A 404 Not Found error is a common web page error that can occur when a user tries to access a page that was previously visited but has since been deleted or changed. This can be caused by a number of reasons, such as an outdated website or an incorrect URL. When a user tries to access a page that was previously visited but has since been deleted or changed, the browser sends the user an error message. The message tells the user that there is no such page on the website and asks them to try again later. There are several ways to fix a 404 Not Found error. One way is to check whether the page you are trying to access still exists on the website. If it does, you can try visiting it again and if it doesn’t exist, you can try visiting one of its predecessors instead. Another way to fix a 404 Not Found error is to make sure that your website’s security settings are up-to-date. If your site isn’t vulnerable to attack, then you can try refreshing your browser cache or refreshing your pages regularly.

What Causes a 404 Not Found Error

When a web server cannot find the specific page for the URL, it returns the 404 not found error. This error code is one of the most common on the internet, and can be frustrating for users. ..

  1. The website may have been deleted or moved.
  2. The website may be temporarily unavailable for maintenance.
  3. The website’s address may not be correct. ..

A typo in a URL can lead to a user visiting an incorrect website. A deleted page or pages can also be missing, which can cause problems for users trying to access information. ..

If you’re trying to access a website that doesn’t exist, you may see a 404 Not Found error code. This code can be different depending on which website you’re trying to access.

The 404 HTTP error is a message returned by a web server when it cannot find the requested document. ..

The requested URL [URL] could not be found on this server. 404 Page Not FoundError 404. The page you are looking for cannot be found. HTTP 404 File or Directory Not FoundError 404 Not Found ..

If you have a website, the 404 not found error means that people coming to your site will not see the page because it is not available. This can have a negative effect on your SEO because Google’s algorithms think that your page does not match user search intent.

Quick Fixes

  1. Check the page’s source code to see if there is a typo or mistake.
  2. Check the page’s title and meta data to make sure it is correct.
  3. Check the page’s content for errors and inconsistencies.
  4. Check the page’s images for quality and compliance with copyright laws.

Occasionally, the 404 error page is caused by a minor glitch. Press F5 or click the refresh button at the top-left corner of your web browser. Check the URL: Check the URL in the search bar for any spelling mistakes. Often this is the cause of the 404 error, and a quick scan for typos is all it takes to fix the problem. Use Google: Try searching for the page using a popular search engine like Bing or Google. Type the website’s homepage and the name of the web page that’s throwing up the 404 error into the address bar and press Enter. If the site administrator changed the URL of the page, it should show up here. Search the website: Likewise, you can try moving up one directory level at a time until you find a page that loads, then navigate to find where you’re looking for on website. For instance, if www.online-tech-tips.com/computer-tips/how-to isn’t loading, move up a directory level (for example, www.online-tech-tips.com/computer-tips/) and try to find where you’re looking for there ..

The Whole Site Is Down

If you’re unable to load any pages from the website, it’s likely that the site is down. Use a service like Is It Down Right Now? to find out if there’s an issue with the site. Alternatively, you could head to social media (if it’s a popular site or the site has its own social media pages) to see if anyone else is having the same issue.

If you are experiencing problems with the site, there are a few things you can try to resolve the issue. ..

If you think the 404 error is only happening to you, try clearing your browser’s cache. Check out our guide on clearing your cache in all popular browsers. Change DNS servers. Finally, you can contact the website’s administrator to inform them of the problem. Occasionally, minor misconfigurations occur during website updates which can affect the site performance, and they may not have noticed.

How to Fix the 404 Not Found Error on my Website

If you’re a website or administrator and want to find and remove broken links from your website to improve user experience, try checking the Google Search Console. This tool uses web crawlers to check your website for issues, including links that cause users to receive the error 404 response code.

If you use WordPress, you can easily fix the 404 error. usually, 404 errors on the WordPress platform are caused by issues with the .htaccess file.

  1. Check your 404 error code.
  2. If the code is not 404, fix it.
  3. If the code is 404, find and fix the problem that caused the error.

This should rewrite the .htaccess file and flush the rewrite rules, solving your 404 error code problem.

Dead link checkers can help you identify and remove dead links from your website. SEMRush’s auditing tool can help you identify and fix any issues with your website’s SEO. ..

Get Back to Browsing

If you’re having trouble accessing a website, 404 errors are one of the most common causes. Here’s how to fix them if they happen again. ..