Some of the technologies showcased by car manufacturers in January include: -A self-driving car that can be controlled by a human driver through a computer interface -A self-driving car that uses sensors and cameras to track its surroundings -A self-driving car that uses lasers and radar to navigate -A self-driving car that uses artificial intelligence to control its movement

  1. 3D printing technology
  2. Electric vehicles
  3. Autonomous cars
  4. Drone delivery


Electric vehicles are becoming more popular as the world’s dwindling supply of fossil fuels and the environmental damage caused by their use require it. ..

The Mercedes-Benz G-Class is set to receive a battery-powered variant in the near future. This will be a major departure from the current model, which relies on gasoline power. It is likely that this new battery-powered variant will be more efficient and provide longer runtime.

The Mercedes-Benz G-Class is preparing for the era of all-electric vehicles, and it continues to uphold its heritage with the EQG concept – the original “G”. ..

The EQG is set to be put on the assembly line in 2022, and it’s likely that you’ll be able to ride it in Dubai by then. Thanks to SUV rental in Dubai, you can get a taste of this new technology before it becomes a reality.

Electric cars are becoming more and more popular, and there are many rental companies that offer them. But what you may not know is that electric cars have a lot of power. In fact, they can even out the playing field when it comes to driving. So if you’re looking for an electric car to rent, check out some of the rental companies first.

Renting services provide the best possible conditions for locals and tourists alike.

Electric vehicles are becoming more popular, but there are still some problems with them. BMW has come up with a new version of the iX electric crossover, which should solve some of those problems. ..

The M60 is the most powerful variant of the BMW X5 M. It has two electric motors that give 540 hp and 1015 Nm. This makes it as fast as the petrol BMW X5 M Competition.

Autonomous Vehicles (AV)

Autonomous vehicles or AVs are a new type of vehicle that seeks to minimize the need for human drivers. AV fleets are expanding last-mile deliveries, reducing downtime, and looking to make mass transit relatively safe. ..

In order to reduce accidents caused by driver fatigue or carelessness, the government should equip vehicles with advanced recognition technology, such as computer vision with advanced artificial intelligence.

This is a big development, and it’s only going to get bigger. The automakers are working on a variety of self-driving cars, but the most important ones are those that can drive themselves. This is a huge development, and it’s only going to get bigger.

Volvo showcased its model in Gothenburg, which, thanks to sensors, GPS, and other technologies, nearly eliminates the possibility of an accident occurring. ..

Toyota has announced that it will join the ranks of “self-driving” automobile makers, while Tesla has brought its first “drone” drive technology to market.

The most notable is a U.S.-based startup that provides unmanned vehicles for last-mile deliveries. It combines advanced artificial intelligence algorithms and ultrafast teleoperations to assist humans in unique situations.

The startup’s vans have a payload capacity of 800+ pounds and reach speeds of up to 60 mph. The vans deliver groceries from nearby stores and send push notifications when an order arrives.

Smart headlights

The BMW laser headlights are brighter than current diode headlights and spotlights people in the path of the car.

Dynamic LightSpot spotlights are incorporated into the car’s headlights to provide a more realistic and realistic driving experience. The technology detects people by their body temperature and silhouette, and lights them with a single beam using infrared sensors and cameras.

The device has two spotlights that can direct light beams behind two walkers at the same time. This makes it possible to see both walkers in the same area, making it easier to track them down.

Ford has announced that it is offering Glare-Free Highbeam headlights to its customers. This is a great move by Ford, as it will help reduce glare from the headlights in bright environments.

The adaptive LED headlights system uses a variety of sensors to adjust the light beam direction and intensity, taking into account speed, steering angle, and information from the front camera. This system is designed to provide better visibility in all types of weather conditions.

The new development will be used on S-Max and Galaxy cars. The device monitors the headlights of oncoming cars at a distance of up to 800 meters, making it possible to see the car in front even if it is at a distance of up to 800 meters from the car’s headlights.