CAPTCHA is a type of security test used on websites to prevent automated spam submissions. It is a series of distorted letters and numbers that a user must correctly enter in order to complete the form. ..

What is CAPTCHA?

CAPTCHA is an acronym that stands for Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computer and Human Apart. So as the full form suggests, CAPTCHA does pretty much the same thing, it is a Turing test that is in place to detect the humans visiting a site apart from bots.

The Turing test is a test to determine whether a machine can exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to that of a human. The test is designed in such a way that it is almost impossible for a computer to pass the test, while humans could solve the puzzle in the test fairly easily. ..

Why Do We Need CAPTCHA?

CAPTCHA is a security measure that helps protect websites from unauthorized access. By automatically filling in required information on a website, CAPTCHA helps to prevent users from entering data that is not meant to be entered.

CAPTCHA is a solution to the problem of people signing up for your website without actually using it. By requiring people to solve a difficult puzzle, you can stop them from signing up in bulk and spamming your site. ..

If you will use the CAPTCHA on your website, then it will be impossible for a script to bypass that and the script or bot won’t be able to progress to the next step. This will stop spam accounts from being created on your site.

How Does CAPTCHA Work?

CAPTCHA is a security feature used on websites to protect against spamming. It is very hard for a computer to bypass a CAPTCHA code by reading and recognizing normal text, speech, and image patterns, but it is very impossible for them to do so if the code is distorted. ..

CAPTCHAs are a security measure used on websites to stop automated spamming. They have an 80% success rate for humans and a 0.01% success rate for computers, which is why companies use them on sites like online shopping, ticket booking, forms by universities, and sign-up pages for services. ..

Different Types of CAPTCHAs

-CAPTCHA for a website: This is a simple text field that you fill in with your name, email address, and other important information. After you have filled it in, the site will ask you to enter another text field which will be used to verify your identity. This is usually a two-factor authentication system like Google Authenticator or Facebook Login. -CAPTCHA for an app: This type of CAPTCHA is typically used on apps like Facebook and Google Play. You need to input some basic information such as your name and email address before the app will allow you to continue.

Distorted Letters and Numbers

The letters and numbers are arranged in a very random pattern and you would need to type them to progress to the next step.

Mathematical Calculations or a General Question

This CAPTCHAs can be seen on websites that require you to login or just go to a new website and are not very sophisticated.

Audio CAPTCHAs  

These are the same as the distorted numbers and alphabets but in audio format and have a noise in the background which can only be understood by humans.


Google has released a new adaptation of its search engine that is designed to be less time-consuming for humans. To use it, simply click on the “I’m not a robot” box. Critics say this new feature is too easy to use and could lead to more computer bots taking over search results. ..

The reCAPTCHA is a security measure that uses random mouse movement and IP address to determine if the user is human or computer. If it’s determined that the user is human, then the reCAPTCHA will redirect them to a verification page where they can sort through images for suspicious behavior.

This was a report on how CAPTCHAs work and what they do. Let us know more about CAPTCHAs in the comments.

The effects of artificial intelligence on websites are a topic of debate and concern. Some people believe that AI will lead to more efficient and accurate website design, while others worry about its potential to harm online privacy and security. In this article, we will provide you with all you need to know about the effects of AI on websites.