Twitter Will Show Quote Tweet Count

Twitter is now showing the number of likes, comments, and retweets on the feed for each tweet. When you click on the tweet, you see the Retweets and comments, clicking on that will show you tweets “With comments” and tweets “Without comments”. You see that it is quite a process to reach to tweets with comments.

Twitter is making Retweets with Comments more visible to users. ..

Twitter is testing making Retweets with Comments accessible directly on the Tweet. This could make them easier to access and more understandable. ..

Twitter is introducing a new feature called Quote which will allow users to Retweet a specific tweet with comments. The number of Quotes along with Retweets and Likes will be displayed in the Twitter feed. ..

Twitter is testing a new feature that will list the number of “Likes”, “Retweets”, and “Retweet with comments” for tweets. ..

Twitter is working to refine the UI and that is why they have been releasing some changes lately, including this Quote tweet count feature. The company’s director of product management Suzanne Xie said that the company was thinking about the less healthy interactions on Twitter like “getting ratio’d, getting dunked on” when they released their new updates. ..

WhatsApp is testing a self-expired message feature that will let users send messages that expire after a certain amount of time. This will make it easier for users to communicate without having to worry about their messages lasting too long.

OnePlus smartphones will support PUBG Mobile at 90 FPS. This will make the game more enjoyable for players and give them a competitive edge. ..