There are a lot of tools for productivity that we’ve covered before (like the Pomodoro Technique), but the best are those that are tied directly into your browser. For example, you can use Chrome’s built-in timer to keep track of how long you’ve been working on a project, or use the Firefox extension “Workflow” to create and manage workflows.

  1. Evernote: Evernote is a great tool for keeping track of your ideas and thoughts, and the extension makes it easy to add notes, photos, and videos to your extension.
  2. OneNote: OneNote is a great tool for keeping track of your work and ideas, and the extension makes it easy to add notes, photos, and videos to your extension.
  3. Google Keep: Google Keep is a great tool for keeping track of your tasks and projects, and the extension makes it easy to add notes, photos, and videos to your extension.

The Unplash start-up page is a great way to get started with online research. It features hundreds of images taken from other websites, a motivational proverb or quote at the bottom, the temperature outside, and a to-do list.

You can customize Momentum to better suit your needs by editing the settings menu. You can set Mantras to display instead of the usual “Good morning/afternoon/evening”, and you can even enable and disable the productivity settings during certain periods.

The weather forecast for the upcoming week is available in the top right corner. Momentum turns your startup page into a command center from which you can control your entire day. It’s perfect for Google Docs power users. ..

Pocket is a great way to manage the urge to check out something you see while researching without opening a new tab or reading it in the moment.

Pocket: Click the link to save it to Pocket. Icon in toolbar: Tap the icon in the toolbar to save an article. Keyboard shortcut: Hit the keyboard shortcut to save an article. ..

Pocket will learn from your reading history and recommend articles you might enjoy based on what you’ve read.

RescueTime is an extension that monitors the sites you visit and ranks them based on whether they are productive or not. For example, Facebook might score a 0 while a site like Wikipedia can score a 7 (because we all know Wikipedia can be a rabbit hole of mindless reading.)

RescueTime reports how productive you’ve been and compares it to how productive you were in the past.

This tool can help you stay productive by helping you learn where you waste the most time and keep you aware of your browsing habits. Use it to block sites during the hours of the day when you’re supposed to work, so that you can focus on what’s important.

LastPass is a password management tool that allows users to create and store passwords in one place. LastPass can also generate strong passwords for users, and it offers a variety of security features to help protect user data. ..

LastPass is a password manager that works on all devices and browsers. It tracks and stores all of your passwords so you can easily access them on any device.

You use LastPass to generate incredibly complex passwords that are nearly immune to brute force attacks. You won’t even know what the passwords are. LastPass utilizes AES-256 bit encryption.

LastPass is a password manager that helps you keep your passwords straight in your head and never seem to remember which one goes to which site.

There are dozens, if not hundreds, of to-do list applications on the web, but Todoist is the best option. It has more features than any other to-do list application and it’s easy to use. If you’re looking for a to-do list that will help you organize your life and keep track of your goals, Todoist is the app for you. ..

Todoist lets you schedule tasks in advance so that you can avoid wasting time in the morning listing out what you need to do that day. You can also break projects down into different categories. The default categories are Personal, Shopping, Work, Errands, and Movies to Watch, but you can create more if none of those fit your needs.

You can assign work to yourself, others, and even label it by different priorities. You can even set a task to take place each day. For example, if you’re a writer that needs to write a blog post each day, you can create a task and schedule it to reoccur every weekday. It will be on your to-do list with no further input from you.

Chrome extensions are a great way to get more out of your browser. Most of them are free, and some have premium options. You don’t have to spend anything to take advantage of the features of the extension.

Some popular extensions that can help you be more productive and take better control of your browsing experience are: -Block Site: This extension blocks specific websites from loading automatically, so you can focus on what you’re really interested in. -NoScript: This extension allows you to selectively allow or block certain types of scripts from running on your browser. This can help keep your browser safe and secure. -Ghostery: Ghostery is an extension that helps you track and manage the tracking cookies that are used by many websites. By knowing which cookies are being sent by which websites, you can make more informed decisions about which ones to visit. ..