Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook all have their own unique benefits and drawbacks. Instagram is known for its pictures, YouTube for its videos, and Facebook for its privacy issues, ads, and scams. ..

Facebook is still the most popular social media giant, and you still have some friends and relatives that you like on there. If you’re not sure whether it’s time to leave Facebook or if you should keep your profile, we put together a guide that will help you make up your mind.

Reasons to #DeleteFacebook Once And For All

If you’re not a fan of Facebook, some of the reasons listed below might seem obvious to you. But if you’ve never thought of deleting Facebook before, they might become a revelation. Here are five reasons why you should consider deleting your Facebook account for good:

  1. It’s a waste of time and energy: According to research by the Pew Research Center, only 18% of Americans use Facebook regularly. That means that almost two-thirds of us are wasting our time on something that doesn’t really matter.
  2. It can be addictive: Like any other addiction, spending too much time on Facebook can be very addictive. Once you start using it, it can be hard to break free from its grip.
  3. It can be damaging to your social life: If you don’t use Facebook to keep in touch with your friends, then they might not want to be friends with you anymore. And if you don’t have any friends on Facebook, then what good is it?
  4. It can make you look stupid: If all your friends are on Facebook and you aren’t, then people will start asking questions about why that is. And if you don’t have any interesting or noteworthy things to say about yourself, people will start thinking that there must be something wrong with you.
  5. It can expose your personal information: If someone knows where to look for it, they can find out a lot about you just by browsing through your public profile on Facebook. This includes things like your address and phone number ..

Ugly User Interface

Facebook’s user interface is not pleasing or user-friendly. If you’ve never used or seen Facebook before, you would find it ugly and inefficient. ..

Facebook’s latest redesign makes it difficult to find what you’re looking for and the ads are intrusive. ..

Facebook Hurts Your Productivity

Facebook has lost its original purpose of connecting people around the world and become a mess. It’s a mixture of a social network, a gaming platform, a media player, an advertising platform, a job search board and more.

Facebook is a great way to stay connected with friends and family, but it can be very distracting and inefficient. You come on Facebook with one purpose in mind, and get lost among other intrusive components of the app.

Using Facebook Makes You Vulnerable to Hackers

According to a report by The Intercept, Facebook is a popular tool for cybercriminals and hackers to steal information from user accounts. This is because Facebook allows users to easily share sensitive information, such as passwords and other personal information, with others on the platform. This makes it easy for cybercriminals and hackers to access these accounts and steal data.

There are many different ways that hackers can get access to your data, including dodgy Facebook connected apps, quizzes, and fake adverts with malware. Make sure you’re taking all the preventative security measures and know how to recover your Facebook account if it gets hacked.

Facebook Scams

Facebook is not doing well in protecting its users from scamming attempts. Your Facebook account can become a great source of sensitive personal information that scammers will use for phishing when trying to steal your account. Especially if your profile is set to public and if you ever accept friend requests from strangers.

If you receive a message from someone you don’t know in your Facebook Messenger inbox, be suspicious. It could be a scam, or it could be something important. If the message says something like “click this link to learn more about this new product,” be careful. Most likely, the person behind this message is trying to get you to invest money in a scam. Don’t click on any links that look too good to be true - if they’re not from reputable sources, don’t bother clicking them either.

Reasons to Stay on Facebook

Facebook is a powerful communication tool that can be helpful for networking and staying connected with friends and family. Before deleting your account, consider the benefits it may provide. ..

Jobs on Facebook

Facebook can also be a great resource for finding jobs. You can search through job postings on the site, or view recent job openings that have been shared by friends and family. Additionally, Facebook groups that focus on specific industries or sectors can be a great place to start your search.

Facebook is a great place to look for jobs. You can reach out to your Facebook friends and see if they know of any jobs in the same business industry as you do. Networking is a great way to find a job, and where better to do it than on Facebook where there are over 2.7 billion people. Finally, you can use the Jobs on Facebook tool to search for jobs near you.

For the Sake of Good Memories

Many Facebook users have had their accounts for years now. That’s a lot of happy memories and emotional moments that they’ve shared with friends and family online. You might want to stay for the sake of keeping that digital history in case you ever want to go back and look through it. ..

Facebook’s Memories tool lets you look back at what happened years ago on the same day, whether it’s a picture you were tagged in, or a post that you shared. You can also use the tool to see what people said and did on that day.

Ability to Look People Up Online

But Facebook also has its downsides. For one, it can be difficult to track who’s talking to you on the site. And if someone is talking to you without your knowledge or consent, they could be violating your privacy.

Your Digital Social Life

Deleting your Facebook account can be a bit of a shock. You’ll suddenly realize how much of your social life is actually tied to the platform. For many people, Facebook is the main way they stay in touch with friends and keep up-to-date on the latest events. ..

If you ever have to work from home, using Facebook can be a great way to socialize. People often change phone numbers and email addresses, but they’re most likely to have the same Facebook profile page. You can also use Facebook search for social gatherings and events in your area, both online and offline. ..

Should You Stay or Should You Go?

Many people decide to delete or keep their Facebook account based on the decision whether it is easier: deleting the account still takes time and effort, or if they decide to keep their account, they need to make sure they delete their data from Facebook first.

Have you ever considered deleting your Facebook account? Why do you think you decided to stay on or leave Facebook? Share your Facebook experience with us in the comments section below.