Desktop.ini is a configuration file that is used on Windows systems to control the look and feel of the desktop. It can affect things like how icons are displayed, how windows are arranged, and what shortcuts are available. You can get rid of desktop.ini if you want, but it’s not always necessary or recommended. ..

In this article, we have listed all such common queries and have given a solution to remove the desktop.ini files from your system. We have found that many people are facing problems with their desktop.ini files and we want to help them out by providing a solution to this problem. If you are facing any of the following problems, then you should try our solution:

  • You can’t find your desktop.ini file
  • Your desktop is not working properly
  • You can’t change the wallpaper or icons on your desktop

What are desktop.ini files?

This hidden file contains information about all the files in your Windows folder, including the names and locations of the files. This file is important because it helps you to find and delete files quickly.

There was a problem resetting your pc.

These files, which are normally hidden, can be found in any directory on your system. They include information and settings relevant to that folder, such as the icon used for it and its localized name.

Whenever a change is made to your folder, it will autosave.

desktop.ini is not specific to the Windows 10 operating system and cannot be changed.

When you open the desktop.ini file in Notepad, you can see that it is a configuration settings file. You can use Notepad to change the settings of the desktop.

Is the desktop.ini file harmful?

If you have a desktop.ini file, it is not the problem. The file is created automatically by your computer when you set up your computer.

There are a few viruses that can use the desktop.ini file. You can perform an antivirus scan on it to see if it is infected or not. ..

If you have antivirus software installed on your system, you can right-click on the desktop.ini file and choose the “Scan for Viruses” option.

The scanning option for antivirus software varies depending on the software. For Mcafee, the scanning option is different than Kaspersky. So, be sure to check out the options for antivirus scanning given by your software.

The scanning option looks like a series of boxes with arrows coming out of them. You can scan the document by clicking on one of the arrows. ..

Why does the desktop show two .ini files?

Some folders on a computer have two .ini files on the home screen - one for the default desktop and another for a different desktop. ..

Your computer shows the combination of the user’s desktop folder and public desktop folder on your home screen. This is why it shows up two desktop.ini files on your desktop.

The user’s desktop is a folder that is unique for every user operating the system. For example, if you have two admins operating the same laptop, it has two different user desktop accounts created. You can access the user’s desktop over this path: C: UsersYour UsernameDesktop and D: UsersYour UsernameDesktop2.

This is a folder that can be seen by all users who access your desktop or system. You can access this file at this path: C: UsersPublic

Why Do You See desktop.ini Files?

Windows recommends hiding the .ini files on the Desktop in most cases. ..

To make the desktop.ini file visible, you must first open the File Explorer Options by going to the Windows search bar and typing “folder options.” There you can find “File Explorer Options.” To make the desktop.ini file visible, you must first go to the Windows search bar and type “file explorer options.” There you can find “File Explorer Options.” ..

If you want to stop the .ini files from appearing on your desktop, you can enable the Hide protected operating system files option in the advanced settings section. ..

Is it Possible to Delete the Desktop.ini file?

To delete a file, you must first create a new one. However, deleting the file will not affect your desktop or any of the recent settings and information in your folder. All of the files and folders in your desktop will be updated to their older versions.

How to Fix the Desktop.ini Error on your Windows System?

  1. You can try to reset the router.
  2. You can try to connect to the router using a different device or computer. ..


After reading this advice, please let us know if you want to keep the desktop.ini files visible or not. What did you end up doing with them? ..