There are some things that you just need a real keyboard and mouse, but if you must start lugging around a keyboard and mouse, you might as well be carrying around a laptop. Do you really want to do that everywhere you go?

Most of the time, when you need to use a computer, you can just take it with you. But sometimes, you might need to stay at a hotel or in a library for an extended period of time. In those cases, the computer might not be available to use. That’s where portable apps come in. Portable apps are apps that are stored on your phone or computer and can be used when you’re not having access to the computer.

What Makes a Portable App,


The beauty of the portable app is that it doesn’t need to be installed on the host computer to work. It’s an executable file that requires only what’s on the USB to run, plus the CPU power and RAM of the computer.

The app does not automatically write anything to the host PC as a file, or as a registry entry in order to run. Any settings the app needs are written back to the same folder that the app is held in, on your USB device.

We can’t say that all portable apps leave no footprint on the host, but what is left, if anything, is about as minimal as it can get.

What Apps are Portable?

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of portable apps available to you. Most of them are free. At the time of writing this, there were at least 10 legitimate sites for downloading portable apps from, many listing several hundred apps. ..

  • Tinder
  • Grindr
  • Bumble
  • OkCupid

There are apps for everything.

If you’re looking for a way to keep your favorite apps and games with you wherever you go, a portable app USB drive could be the perfect solution. Here are 12 handy tools to help make your drive a success. ..

In this article, we’re going to take a look at a way to create a portable version of any application in Windows. This is something that can be done in a few different ways, but the most common way is by using the Windows App Store. This is an app store that is available on both Windows and MacOS. It has a lot of applications that you can download and use on your desktop or laptop.

Where Do I Get Portable Apps?

Portable app launchers can be a great way to keep your portable apps organized and up-to-date. They can also help you install new portable apps and manage updates for them. ..

The most popular launcher is from Another good launcher is LiberKey. If you’d like to start an IT tech toolkit, you should also look at adding the NirSoft Launcher to your USB. A good repository of portable apps can also be found at

Portable Apps Equal Portable


Publicly available computers are great because they are accessible outside all day, all year long! ..

The computer you are using may not have the software you need to access your account, or it may be insecure.

Apps like Google Maps and Apple Maps are great for navigation, but they can also be used to find and track down a lost item or to find your way around a city. They can also be used as a security tool, by verifying your location before allowing you to access certain websites or apps. But there’s one big downside:Apps like Google Maps and Apple Maps can be hacked, just like any other app. If someone has access to your phone and computer, they can use the app’s features to track down your location, view your photos and videos, listen to your music, read your emails and more.

The web browser needs to know what you’re looking at, what you’ve most recently looked at, and will want to cache information and store cookies to make the websites you’re using run faster and better.

If you’re not sure how to close your computer, here’s a guide: -Close all programs and documents on your computer -Delete any files that are not needed or that you no longer use -Restart your computer

With a portable app web browser, you can keep your bookmarks with you wherever you go. Plus, the app keeps track of your history, cookies, and cache so that you don’t have to write anything down on your computer.

Using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) whenever you use a public computer is an even more solid step to take in order to protect your privacy. There are portable VPN clients out there that you could use to help protect your privacy. ..

Your web traffic is running inside a secure channel, making it much harder for any bad guys to sniff out your secrets. If you don’t have a VPN subscription, take a look out our recommended VPN services.

There are a number of ways to protect your data if you’re worried about someone stealing it. One option is to encrypt the data on your computer using a portable encryption app like VeraCrypt. This would make the data inaccessible and unusable to anyone but you. ..

Portable Apps to the Rescue

Portable apps are becoming increasingly popular, especially among computer technicians. These apps can be incredibly helpful when it comes to troubleshooting problems on a computer. Some of these apps are quite small, so don’t be fooled by their size! ..

There are several antivirus and malware detection apps that you could use without knowing much about computers. These apps can help revive an ailing system. ..

There are many ways to recover files if they are accidentally deleted. There are software programs that can help you bring back lost files, passwords, and software licenses. There are also password recovery apps that can help you get back into the programs and websites that you need.

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t know how to do a lot of basic maintenance on your computer or your library’s computer. But there are lots of great apps out there that can teach you how to do all sorts of things, from fixing common problems to keeping your computer running fast and smoothly. So why not give some of them a try? ..

So, Why Should You Care Again?

The best way to use your phone for work is to keep all your files and programs in one USB flash drive size package.

You can be sure that your personal information was not left behind on a public computer that you were working on, because you used a portable browser and VPN. Any information on that USB is also protected because you used a portable encryption app.

If your computer is having trouble, there are a few things you can do to help get it back up and running. This small kit can fit in a pocket and will have the tools you need to fix the problem. ..

USB drives are great for portable apps, but be sure to factor in the price. Some USB drives are free, but others cost money. ..