Most people probably don’t want to have to deal with the hassle of transferring contacts, redirecting people to the new email address, or hunting down every site, subscription, and bill payee to update their email address on file.

Sometimes people have a good reason to make a massive move from one digital locale to another. For example, if their email provider is outdated and can’t keep up with the modern paragons, or if their provider is shutting down and they need to find a new home. ..

The two most exemplary platforms for managing email are Microsoft Outlook and Google Gmail. These platforms have become the two most exemplary because they offer a great user experience and provide a variety of features that are essential to people’s lives.

Outlook and Gmail are both email providers, but they have different subscription-based business plans. Outlook’s plan is free for personal use, but it has a monthly subscription fee for business use. Gmail’s plan is free for personal use, but it doesn’t have a monthly subscription fee for business use. ..

Look, Feel and Cost

Outlook and Gmail offer very different interfaces. Outlook is more traditional, with a corporate feel, while Gmail is more creative and startup-like. ..

Gmail is a more simplistic user interface that focuses on providing essential features for efficient emailing. Outlook, on the other hand, offers a plethora of options and customizable features that can be overwhelming for most users. ..

For a single user, Microsoft Office 365 is $5.99/month and Google G Suite is $9.99/month. For a family of four, Microsoft Office 365 would be $14.99/month and Google G Suite would be $29.99/month.

Tool Suite

Outlook and Gmail offer a variety of features that are not found in other email services. These features include: -Actions: This feature allows you to take actions, such as send an email, reply to a message, or add a contact to a list. -Calendar: Calendar allows you to keep track of important events and plan your days accordingly. -Contacts: Contacts lets you add people to your address book and manage your contact information.

When it comes to what makes Office 365 and Google’s G Suite different, it’s really a comparison between an incumbent and its disruptor. We’ll cover more of what makes these two suites the same and different in a future article, but here are some of the contrasting aspects that stand out. Office 365 is the incumbent, while G Suite is the disruptor. Office 365 has been around for many years, while G Suite is a newer suite. Office 365 is more expensive than G Suite, but this may not be a big deal for some people. Office 365 has more features than G Suite, but this may not be a big deal for some people. Finally, Office 365 is more centralized than G Suite - you have to use Microsoft’s tools to use G Suite - while this may not be a big deal for some people, it could be a problem for others. ..

Microsoft Office 365

-A subscription to Office 365, which includes all the features of Office but also includes features like OneDrive for storage and access to the full range of Microsoft services. -A subscription to Office 2016, which includes all the features of Office 365 but also includes features like OneDrive for storage and access to the full range of Microsoft services. -A subscription to Office 2019, which is a new version of Office that is available only through Microsoft’s online service, Azure. This version offers a lot of new features and is set to be released in 2020.

Outlook for cloud file storageOneNote, a digital notebookSharePoint, a corporate intranetMicrosoft Teams for instant messaging and video conferencing

The Microsoft Office suite of apps offers a comprehensive range of tools that businesses can use to manage their internal operations. This is a huge draw for businesses, as it makes managing workflows and tasks easier than ever before.

Google G Suite

Google’s suite of applications, G Suite, offers a wealth of options that are on par with Microsoft’s staples. Plus, G Suite has alternatives to Word, Excel, and PowerPoint that are perfect for any business. With G Suite, you have everything you need to manage your business from one place. ..

The calendar for easy team scheduling is a great way to keep everyone on track. Currents for company wide discussions can be easily shared through Hangouts Chat. Hangouts Meet can be used to video conferenced with others. Forms and surveys can be created easily using the forms site. Sites can be created for businesses, and the App Builder can be used to create business apps. The Drive for storing and sharing files is a great way to keep everyone organized. Google Cloud Search can help search across G Suite, and the Vault and Mobile sites help secure user data.

There are a lot of factors to consider when choosing an email client. Outlook consolidates a lot of your email into a few robust applications, but Google offers a seemingly much wider range of capabilities spread out across several applications. If you’re looking for an email client that can handle all your needs, we recommend checking out Google’s Gmail.


When you’re in business, email is your lifeblood. Emails are the foundation of your professional life, and they play a critical role in making business decisions. If you can’t keep conversations and information prioritized and organized, it’ll be difficult to work effectively and efficiently at the speed of business. This will compromise quality outcomes.


But is it really the best way to organize your work? Is there a better way to keep track of your thoughts and ideas?

Outlook uses a traditional folder system and allows you to categorize emails within those folders using colored tabs just like you would with an expandable file. You can create as many folders and subfolders as you’d like. Outlook also does its best to prioritize emails by filtering out those you would consider clutter. These go to the Clutter folder to stay out of your way until you’re ready to view them.


Gmail and Outlook organize email differently, but the way they prioritize email is noticeably different. ..

Gmail users can create labels to help organize their messages. For example, you might label your messages with “work,” “personal,” and “social” to better manage your inbox. ..

You can customize Gmail to show important, unread, and starred emails first. It can also automatically filter emails by primary, social, promotions, updates, and forums. This prioritization and organization system makes it easy to identify which emails are most important to you and get to them fast. ..

Gmail users can have different labels for different types of emails, even if they’re using the same email client. This makes Gmail more versatile and capable of providing a more flexible user experience. ..

Email is an important tool for communication, but if you can’t find the information you need quickly and easily, you’re going to waste time looking for it instead of taking action. ..


Outlook’s search function is good enough in that you can hunt down emails across all your folders, including thousands of emails in your Deleted folder, based on keyword and email address. Where Outlook can sometimes fall short is accuracy.

While using a keyword to search for emails in Outlook can be helpful, it’s not always accurate and there’s a chance that only a few emails from a chain will be found. Google’s email service employs a more comprehensive search function that is often more accurate. ..


Gmail’s search functionality is infused with Google’s search power, which is why Gmail was created in the first place: to provide an email service that operates like Google’s search engine. Not only can you search on simple terms and trust that Gmail will serve up the correct results, you can also use advanced search operators like “from:, “to:, “shortcut:, “and several more that can help you find specifically what you need. ..

Email Recall

Gmail: Gmail offers a “recall” function that allows you to easily and quickly retrieve an email you sent or received. To use this feature, simply open the email you want to recall and click on the three lines in the top right corner of the email. This will open up a menu where you can select “Recall This Email.” Outlook: Outlook does not offer a recall function, but it does have a “undo send” feature that allows you to quickly and easily undo a previous email send. To use this feature, simply open the email you want to undo and click on the three lines in the top right corner of the email. This will open up a menu where you can select “Undo Send.” ..


Outlook is great for email recall and replace. As long as the email address you sent an email to is hosted on Microsoft Exchange–the actual email service Outlook runs on–you have the ability to delete and replace any unread message.

With unread messages, you can avoid embarrassing situations in the future by being able to quickly and easily recall and replace an email if it is opened. This could help you resend better emails with more clarification, or send follow-up emails if a message was not received as expected.


Gmail falls short in terms of email recall. It doesn’t offer a legitimate way to cancel an email, and the cancellation time is only 30 seconds. If you’re not quick enough, your email will be gone for good.

Who Is the King of Email?

When it comes to choosing the best email service for your business, Outlook and Gmail both offer what you need. However, Outlook is better when it comes to features and its user interface. Gmail is better when it comes to speed and its ability to handle large files.

Office 365 and G Suite are two of the most popular cloud-based tools in use by businesses today. They both offer a lot of features and can be used to run your business in different ways. We’ll be looking at the differences between them in an upcoming article so you can make the best decision for your business.