The Muddy water group has recently begun using a new strategy in their campaign, which was first noticed in September but only became more prominent in October. Additionally, they have used authentic remote administration software. ..

Deep Instincts has mentioned that Muddy Water has also used the remote administration tool in their earlier campaigns from 2020 to 2021, which were dependent on Remote Utilities and ScreenConnect.

In a recent campaign, the same tactics were used, but with the addition of an Atera Agent system to monitor computers and servers. This system was discovered by Simon Kenin, a researcher at Deep Instincts.

In October, a new campaign by Muddy Water was discovered in which the group used Syncro software.

However, the emails that have been released to the public appear to be from a different source, and may be related to a larger cyber attack that has been ongoing for some time.

The researcher said that the company’s signatures were not present on the phishing emails that the hacker group sent, but the target still trusted the email as a legitimate email because it came from an authentic address belonging to the company they know. ..

The hacker group has been targeting Egyptian hosting companies in order to gain access to their systems and steal information. This is one of the known methods used by the group to gain trust since the receiver knows the company.

The hacker group attached a HTML file that had a link to download the Syncro MSI Installer. The installer was designed to help users uninstall the software from their computers.

The attachment is not an archive or an executable which does not make the user suspicious as HTML is mostly overlooked in phishing training and simulations.

The threat actor has been targeting telecom service providers and altering their defensive methods when detected, making it difficult for law enforcement to track them. This makes it difficult for investigators to identify and prosecute the threat actor.

The Microsoft OneDrive service was used to host the previous email, which was sent from an account that was compromised by a Dropbox account.

According to Kenin, the hacker group used a number of Syncro installers hosted on OneHub’s Drive cloud storage in previous hacking campaigns. ..

syncro installer - a tool used by threat attackers to install the Syncro agent on computers

Syncro is a malicious software that can be used by threat attackers to gain access to the target/victim’s computer and steal data. ..

The Muddy Water group, which is believed to be behind a series of recent cyberattacks against Israeli businesses, has now expanded its campaign to include multiple insurance companies in the country. The group has been known for using hacking techniques to gain access to email accounts of Israeli hospitality industry companies, and then sending phishing emails from those accounts in an attempt to steal sensitive information. ..

The hacker group added the HTML attachment link to the Syncro installer hosted on OneDrive so that people could easily install the software.

Israeli hackers are known for their sophisticated phishing techniques, which are not typically used in the modern world. However, freely available software tools can be an effective way for hacking practices. ..

The threat actors use different names such as Static Kiten, Cobalt Ulster, and Mercury. It has been active since 2017.

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