Android is a mobile operating system developed by Google. It was announced in February, 2007, as a successor to the original Android OS from Google Inc. Android is used in many devices, including smartphones and tablets. iOS is a mobile operating system developed by Apple Inc. It was announced on September 3, 2007, as the successor to the original iOS OS from Apple Inc. iOS is used in many devices, including smartphones and tablets.

Is still iOS better than Android?

Which is the best smartphone operating system? There are many smartphone operating systems available on the market today. Some of the most popular ones include iOS and Android. It can be difficult to decide which one is the best for you, but we’re here to help. Here are some things to consider when choosing an operating system: -What type of phone do you have? -Do you want a phone that is easy to use or one that has more features? -Which apps do you use most often? -Do you want a phone that is compatible with many different networks or just one? -How important to you are security and privacy features? ..

Both Android and iOS have their pros and cons, so it’s important to compare them head-to-head to see which one is best for you. ..

Operating System

When it comes to Android, many smartphone manufacturers do not update their operating systems with the latest version. This can be a problem because older versions of the OS can have more bugs and glitches. Additionally, there is less support for older operating systems in Android compared to iOS.

According to many stats, iOS 11 was running only in 18% devices after one year of release, whereas Android 7 was running in about 66% of its devices after 6 weeks of release, even iOS 11 was supporting iPhone 5S which was launched in 2013. So, if you want to buy a smartphone with the latest operating system and longtime support for your smartphone from the company then iOS better than Android.

Hardware Compatibility

When it comes to the hardware of smartphones, we might be confused and say Android is a better option. But that’s not true. iOS offers better hardware quality and specification than Android. Apple develops both software and hardware for its smartphones, which means that software compatibility with hardware is always great because they design hardware and software to work together perfectly. ..

iOS is more popular than Android in the smartphone market, and this is mainly because of the compatibility issues that have been reported between iOS and Android devices. This has led to a low number of smartphone manufacturers using iOS as their primary operating system.

In my opinion, iOS is better than Android when it comes to hardware. There are many different devices available on both platforms, but iOS has a more standardized design and development process, which allows for a greater variety of hardware options. Additionally, iOS is more likely to meet the specific requirements of users, meaning that the platform is better equipped to handle high-end devices.

Battery optimization

Android’s latest smartphone offers a very huge amount of battery capacity, but that battery gets used up quickly if it’s supporting a 7-inch large screen. So barely it will work for 8-9 hours continuously. But with Android you have numerous choices and can opt for better smartphones with better battery optimization, whereas with iPhone only a few models are available and they offer a decent battery life. iPhone’s battery works well according to the device. ..

iPhone users have smaller batteries that need to be recharged every day, while Android users have better battery life because they have optimized their phone for using without a charger.

Apps Availability

Android has several apps with high quality developers and secure apps, but fewer than Apple’s. According to statistics, there are 2.56 million total Android apps in the Google Play Store while 1.85 million are available in the Apple App Store. Apple is stricter about what apps it allows in its store, while Google Play Store does not have many strict rules and any app can easily be launched. ..

Apple is attracting developers because they need to redesign the Temple Run game for more than 700 Android phones. Google play store has some security threats too, once a fake WhatsApp was released on the play store and even downloaded by the 1 million people before its removal.

If you want to be sure that the applications you download are legitimate, then I would recommend downloading iOS. ..


Apple has a way better integration with other devices, you can write an email with your phone and send it with your Mac, or you can unlock your Mac using your apple watch.

Android is a mobile operating system that allows users to access a variety of applications and services. Many devices, such as smartphones and tablets, are equipped with Android OS. However, many devices do not come with all of the features that are available on Android devices. For example, many devices do not include the Google Play Store, which provides access to a variety of applications and services. Additionally, some manufacturers do not produce Android devices. For example, Samsung does not produce Android devices.


Apple and Android have very different support systems, but the community that they provide is extremely high-quality. If there is an issue with your phone, you can go to any of the Apple stores or Android deviceshops, and they will be able to help you out. However, both support their devices very differently - for example, Apple tends to offer more customer service at its stores.

Intelligent Assistance

Smartphones are known for their Artificial Intelligence features. Google’s assistance is often considered to be better than Siri’s, and it provides more data than Siri does. If there is bad traffic or you have a flight to catch, Google will advise you to leave early. However, iOS has been upgrading its features and apps with each update, so Android may not always be the best choice. ..

User Experience

Android offers a user-friendly interface that is better than any other operating system. You can change and customize your smartphone in your own way.

Android is more flexible and you can remove default apps, but there are times when they may cause some interior errors.

If you want a smartphone that delivers a truly nice user-friendly environment, I would prefer iOS from Apple. But if you want to customize your phone to enhance your experience and if you want to try new things with your smartphone, I would recommend Android.


When it comes to the security of your device, there is no better option than the iPhone. Because malware and virus developers always focus on devices with large user bases, that’s why 97% of malware are developed for Android, even Android’s head said that they cannot guarantee the security of Android, so it is clear that Android is more virus-prone operating system than iOS. ..

iPhone has a lot of malware, but Apple offers high-quality security.

Do we really need antivirus software in our daily use? ..

Wrapping Up

So, in conclusion, we can say that iOS is better than Android. But if you have a limited budget or don’t want to spend a lot of money on your smartphone then go for Android.

How to Surf Anonymously on Windows 10? To surf anonymously on Windows 10, you will need to set up a new account and use a different name for your computer. To do this, open the Start menu and type “netstat -an” into the search bar. This will show you all of your network connections and their status. You can then use the “netstat -an –allow-all” command to allow all of your connections to be displayed. Finally, use the “netstat -an –quiet” command to keep track of only active connections.