New Pinned Comment Feature on Instagram

The new pinned comment feature on Instagram is a great way for authors to highlight the positive comments on top. By pinning three comments, the author can make sure that everyone who reads their post knows what they think.

The pinned comment feature on Instagram is now available in a stable update for all users. This update includes bug fixes and improvements.

Today we’re rolling out pinned comments everywhere. That means you can pin a few comments on the top of your feed post and better manage the conversation.

How to Use the Pinned Comment Feature by Instagram

To pin a comment, long press on the comment you want to pin or swipe left based on the device you use. ..

When you press on the pin icon, you will see a notification that reads, “Pin up to 3 comments to show them at the top of your post and highlight positivity. When you pin a comment, we’ll notify the person who wrote it.”

If you want to pin a comment, tap on Pin Comment and then select the number of comments you want to pin.

This new feature is really great, especially for a platform like Instagram where people try to troll each other and say mean things. So this gives the author a little bit of liberty to spread some good vibes.

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