The network regularly broadcasts football, basketball, judo, MMA, kickboxing, motorsports, pro wrestling, and e-Sports. In 2015, Turner Broadcasting bought the whole thing, but it still remains a strictly Brazilian endeavor. VPNs range from free to around $10-$15 US dollars per month. Some exist only to make money in any way, shape or form, while others are dedicated to amazing customer service and helping as many people stay safe online as possible.

How to Pick the Right VPN

Second, make sure there is significant safety protocol lined up in the VPN you choose. We’re talking about top-end 256-AES encryption, a kill switch, IP and DNS leak protection, and any other bells and whistles that they’re willing to include. The more secure your connection, the less likely what you’re sending or receiving is to be seen by the wrong parties. Third, you’ll be feeling the need; the need for speed. Streaming sporting events takes some heavy-duty download speeds and lots of bandwidth to run seamlessly, so make sure your VPN can handle both or you’ll be glitching and staggering your way through every big match, bout , and race. Fourth, consider prices when you subscribe to a VPN. If there is no charge or the VPN costs 99 cents per month, that should be a warning sign that something’s not quite right here. You don’t have to take out a second mortgage to buy a VPN, but it should be within a reasonable price range that you feel good about the money you’re spending. Fifth, when you open a new connection, make sure to replace the existing password with one of your own creations. Cyber-criminals prey on people too lazy to change out the password on a standard system. Don’t make their job easier for them.

Best VPNs to watch Esporte Interativo With

1IPVanish VPN

IPVanish VPN is a great VPN to use as long as you’re not headed for China. Otherwise this US-based company is happy to help you get online with a VPN whether you’re using Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, Linux, FireTV, or Kodi. When it comes to security, it scores very highly with 256-bit AES encryption, a kill switch, and both DNS and IP leak protection. IPVanish also has an impressive server count, more than 1,000 spread across 60 countries along with unlimited server switching.

2Trust.Zone VPN

Trust.Zone VPN has a kill switch, but nothing more advanced when it comes to security. It won’t unblock Netflix anytime soon, but can do well on more simple security, including what they have as standard practice in Brazil. It has a 3-day free trial if you want to take a look at what’s being offered, which consists of up to 1GB of bandwidth to get a lay of the land. It’s money-back guarantee goes up to 10 days and it supports OpenVPN encryption.


SaferVPN is exactly what it sounds like, a  bundle of privacy that also delivers on other areas. It has more than 760 servers spread across 35 countries and has support for all kinds of encryption, including OpenVPN. It has a no-logs policy, a kill switch, and is based in Israel, meaning its owners take Internet security very seriously. The free trial has unlimited bandwidth but only lasts for 24 hours. The money-back guarantee is more generous, lasting for a full 30 days.