One such service is called “Tinder.” When you sign up for Tinder, you agree to let the app use your personal information, including your name, age, and location. Tinder then uses that information to help you find potential partners. If someone tries to scam you by pretending to be you on Tinder, don’t be afraid to report it to the app or the police.

Google Images

Google is not the only mainstream search engine to offer reverse image search. Bing and Yandex both offer it too. But obviously, everybody’s first stop is going to be with the big G. ..

He seems like a really nice guy and you’re interested in meeting him, but you’re not sure if he’s actually single. Would you swipe right on him or left?

Luigi is claiming to be a billionaire Italian entrepreneur, but he looks strikingly familiar. Did you see him in a movie or maybe he is the pizza delivery guy?

Upload a photo and see if you get any hits.

If you want to share a photo with your friends or family, you can either post it on social media or save it to your device. You can also email it to your friends or post it on a website. ..

I clicked “Upload an image”, navigated to the photo in Windows Explorer, and it started uploading.

Google has identified a lowlife fraud called “Hugh Jackman” as some kind of “actor”. This is a close escape for us all! We all know what these actor types are like.


TinEye is a reverse image search engine that has a good reputation for getting the job done. For a price, they also scan images you give them and send you email alerts if those images appear online suddenly somewhere else.

TinEye is not as good as Google at finding faces in search results, but it is better at finding images that are not people-related, like artwork and photography. If you want to protect your work from online plagiarists, TinEye may be a better solution than Google. ..

I would be hesitant to buy this painting because I am not sure it has been newly painted.

TinEye is a tool that lets you see what websites are popular in your area. It’s great for finding out what content is being shared on the web, and it can also help you find new sites to explore.

American Gothic is a painting by Grant Wood. It was identified as “American Gothic” by TinEye, and it is hanging at the Art Institute of Chicago. So another close call averted there.

Closing Thoughts

Reverse image search is not perfect, but it can help you find pictures of you that are not online. There are many variables which can change a picture, and sometimes reverse image search doesn’t find enough pictures.

Police, lawyers, and private investigators will have better reverse image search tools available to them. But for the average Joe Public, we have to make do with what we have. This is something that is only going to improve with time.