To manage your photos and to add tags to photos, go ahead and click on your name at the top, which will load your profile. Then click on Photos.

Photos of You will only show photos you have uploaded or someone else has uploaded where you are also tagged. If you click on Your Photos, it will only show the ones you have uploaded even if you are not tagged in them. If you click on Albums, you’ll see all of your albums and Not Tagged will show you photos you have uploaded that have people who are not tagged.

To tag a picture, simply move your mouse over the photo and a little box will pop up called Tag Photo. Click on that and you’ll be brought to a page that shows only that photo with comments, etc. You can again hover your mouse over the photo and it will automatically bring up boxes around any faces in the picture. If Facebook recognizes your photo, it’ll ask if you want to tag yourself. Yes, Facebook can figure out who you are and will automatically recognize you in pictures you upload!

If you want to add someone as a friend, you can type in their name or an email address. The list of friends will automatically be filtered based on the tags they have.

If you want to share a photo with just a few people, you can create an album and share it through the Facebook app. But if you want to share a photo with everyone on Facebook, you need to create an album and share it through the Facebook app.

To create an album, you can either click the “Create Album” button at the top or use the “Create Album” tool found in the image above. You can upload as many photos as you want per album, but it’s usually a good idea to create a new album for a related set of photos, such as wedding party, trip to Vegas, cruise ship, etc. Once you have selected the photos to upload, they will automatically start being uploaded and in the meantime you can start adding your album info. ..

The album is called “The Great American Eclipse” and it was taken on August 21, 2017 in Charlottesville, Virginia. The location is Charlottesville, Virginia.

You can leave a comment for each individual photo and even give each photo it’s own date and location info. The little button to the far right on the grey bar lets you rotate images. To tag a person in a photo, just hover your mouse over any face and click to tag. At the bottom, you can click the Add More Photos button to add additional photos to the album and you can check High Quality if you want them to retain their high resolution when uploaded.

To share an album with friends, click the arrow in the sharing bar and select “Friends.” You can also choose from your list of friends or create a custom set. Click the Post Photos button to post your album. ..

To edit your cover photo and profile picture, just go to your main profile and then click on the little camera icons.

When it comes to tags, you can see which photos you’ve been tagged in and you can also review tags before they appear on your profile if you’ve enabled Tag Review. To see all of this, click on the View Activity Log button that is located on your cover photo.

If you are tagged in a post, you can see which posts are still under review by clicking on the tag or posts you are tagged in.

When you click on Tag Review, you can choose to enable or disable the feature if you like. By default, it seems to be turned on. It’s a good idea to check here once in a while because I had over 50 tags I hadn’t approved and therefore they never showed up on my profile. If you have any questions, feel free to post a comment and I’ll try to help. Enjoy!