If you want to keep track of a message in Instagram DM, but don’t want it to show up in your notifications, you can mark it as unread. However, this doesn’t always work - sometimes the message will still show up in your notifications. Here’s how to make sure it doesn’t:

  1. Open the Instagram DM you want to keep track of.
  2. Tap on the message icon at the top left corner of the screen.
  3. On the “Message” screen that pops up, tap on “Unread.”
  4. If everything goes according to plan, the “Unread” badge will disappear from the message and it will no longer be visible in your notifications. ..

Who Can Unread Messages on Instagram?

Until recently, there was no way for any Instagram users to unfollow messages. Even now that feature is reserved for businesses and creator accounts. The “Mark as Unread” option is not yet available for private accounts or desktop Instagram users. ..

To unread an Instagram message, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your account and open the messaging app.
  2. Type the following into the chat box: “unread”
  3. Click on the “Unread” button next to the message you want to unread.
  4. The message will be unread for both sender and receiver.

How to Mark Instagram Messages as Unread on Professional Account

To mark a DM as unread on your professional Instagram account, open the inbox and click on the “Primary” tab. Next, find the DM you want to mark as unread and click on the “X” next to it. Finally, click on the “Requests” tab and make sure that “Mark as Unread” is selected. ..

The Primary tab will contain text messages from people you labeled as important. That means Instagram will notify you when you receive a message in the Primary inbox, and you can read it immediately. The messages in the General tab are reserved for all other senders, and you will not receive notifications for these messages. You can opt to see them and respond to them whenever you have time. Message requests are DMs sent by people with whom you typically don’t interact.

  1. Open your Instagram app and sign in.

  2. On the left side of the main screen, click on the three lines in the top left corner to get a list of all your DMs.

  3. On the right side of this screen, click on one of these DMs to open it: a) The DM that you just received from a friend b) The DM that you just sent to someone c) The DM that you just replied to

  4. Open your email inbox.

  5. Find the message you want to reply to or respond to.

  6. Click on the message.

  7. On the message’s main content area, click on the “Reply” button.

  8. Type your reply in the “Message” field and click on the “Send” button. ..

  9. Tap on three dots in the upper right corner of the screen to get a new menu.

Selecting the icon will open a list of all the available options.

To mark a conversation as unread, tap on it. ..

More options will appear at the bottom of the screen, including a history of what you’ve searched for and how many results were found.

Mark has unread messages on his phone.

Instagram is a great platform for sharing photos and messages with friends and followers, but it can be easy to miss important messages if you’re not careful. Here are three tips to help you stay on top of your account:

  1. Check your notifications regularly. Instagram will send you alerts when people comment on your posts, like them, or add you as a follower. You can also set up email notifications for specific types of messages, like when someone follows you or sends you a DM.

  2. Use the “Inbox” tab. This is where all the new messages from people you follow (as well as any replies to your posts) will appear. You can also use this tab to see which of your posts have been liked the most and shared the most.

  3. Use “View As” to see what your followers are seeing on their screens. This will let you see how your posts look on different devices, including phones and tablets. ..

  4. Scan through your recent messages.

  5. Notice any patterns or trends.

  6. What are people saying about the issue you’re interested in?

  7. Who are some of the key players involved?

  8. What are their positions on the issue?

  9. How might this issue affect the future of your industry or community? ..

To mark a chat as unread, type the following into the chat box: /unread

If you want to keep track of a conversation without having to constantly open the app, you can mark it as unread by tapping and holding on the conversation for a few seconds and then selecting “Mark as Unread.” ..

You have marked a conversation as unread, and a blue dot will appear next to it.

If you have unread messages, the red number will increase. The marked one will be added to it. ..

How to Mark Instagram Messages as Unread on Personal Account

Instagram is currently not allowing users to mark messages as unread. This may change in the future, but for now, Instagram developers are silent on the matter. There are some ways around this inconvenience and we will explore them here. ..

Since professional accounts have the option to mark messages as unread, why not simply change the type of the account? This will really influence anything about your Instagram page, except you will have some additional features. Your friends and followers will remain the same, and they will be able to continue chatting with you, commenting, and liking your posts.

With a professional account, you can’t make your profile completely private. This is because creators and businesses want their audience to reach them, and there’s no point in hiding. ..

  1. Open Instagram and sign in.

  2. Click on the three lines in the top left corner of the screen (the three lines that look like a triangle).

  3. Choose “Account Settings.”

  4. On the left, you’ll see “Type of account.”

  5. Choose “Instagram.”

  6. A new window will open, with your profile information and photos.

  7. You can now add friends by clicking on their profiles picture at the top left corner of the screen.

  8. Click on the “Add Friend” button to connect with your friends and start chatting!

To access the hamburger icon, tap on the three horizontal lines in the right corner at the top of the screen. ..

Tap the Account button to open the Accounts screen.

Scroll all the way down and find the Switch to Professional Account option, then tap it.

In the category section, you will find a list of all the categories that are available.

You can now choose which account type to use on Instagram. ..

Next, you will be asked to choose if you want a Creator or a Business profile. Once you are done, press Next.

You can choose to set up your professional account immediately or skip this step.

To unread Instagram direct messages, follow these steps:

  1. From your profile, click the three lines in the top left corner of the screen.
  2. On the “Settings” screen, under “General,” click “Unread Messages.”
  3. In the “Unread Messages” window, next to each message, click the checkbox next to it. ..

There is no other way to mark a message as unread on a personal profile, but if your goal is not really to mark the message but to prevent the user from knowing that you have read it, there is something you could do. Just keep reading. ..

How to Unread Instagram Messages Without Recipient Knowing You’ve Seen Them

If you want to keep your personal profile and never switch to the professional one, you can opt to put some users in the Restrict mode. This will prevent them from seeing your posts and interacting with them. The good side of this is that you will be able to read Instagram messages they sent you, without them ever knowing. However, this won’t make the received Instagram DM unread.

  1. Type the following into a chat box: Restrict mode:

  2. Click on the “Restrict Mode” button.

  3. The person will be put in Restrict mode and cannot do anything.

  4. Type in the Restriction Code. This code will be displayed on the right side of the screen.

  5. Click on it to enter the Restriction Code.

  6. Click on the OK button to finish entering the Restriction Code.

  7. You will now see a list of all users who have followed you and have Instagram account, including those who have restriction code enabled.

  8. To restrict someone’s access to your account, simply click on one of these users and enter their restriction code into the text field below them, and click on the OK button to finish entering the code.

Once you find the person, tap on them to enter their profile. Once there, tap on the three dots in the top right corner of your screen.

If you tap on Restrict, the pop-up window will disappear and you will be able to continue using your device.

With this new feature, Instagram has restricted users so that they can’t send messages to you without knowing it. This makes it difficult for you to communicate with the user, as all their messages will show up in your General inbox tab. This also means that you won’t receive a notification when the user sends you a message. You can restrict users through the official app or through a desktop version of Instagram. This new feature is pretty neat and makes communication more difficult for the user.