A LAN cable is the best choice for transferring speeds because it can support up to 1000Mbps and a typical USB 2.0 port only supports up to 480Mbps. So if you want to transfer a lot of files quickly, LAN cable should be your obvious choice.

  1. Connect your PC to the LAN cable.
  2. Connect your other PC to the LAN cable.
  3. Copy the files from your PC to the other PC using the File Transfer Utility on your computer.

Transfer Files Between 2 PCs Using a LAN Cable

Setting Up the Network

  1. Connect your computer to the LAN cable
  2. Put the LAN cable in front of your computer
  3. Put the LAN cable in the back of your computer
  4. Turn on your computer and wait for it to start up

Step 2: Open a web browser on one of your computers and type in the address of the other computer’s IP address. Step 3: Click on the “Connect” button. Step 4: Enter your user name and password, and click on the “Connect” button. Step 5: You will now be able to access files and folders on the other computer. ..

Step 3: In the ‘Network and Internet’ window, type in ‘Tethering’ and click on the ‘+’ button. Step 4: In the ‘Tethering’ window, you will see a list of devices that are connected to your computer. You can select one of these devices to be your primary tethering device. Step 5: Click on the ‘+’ button to add another device as a secondary tethering device.

Step 4: Click on ‘ Sharing and Connections’. Step 5: Click on ‘ Turn On Network Sharing’. Step 6: Click on ‘ Add a New Connection’. Step 7: Type in your name and password and click on ‘ Add’.

On the ‘Advanced sharing settings’ page, under the ‘Share your photos and videos’ heading, click on the ‘Enable advanced sharing’ checkbox. Now you can choose which of your friends and family members can see which of your photos and videos you have shared. To allow someone to see a photo or video you have shared, click on the name of the person you want to allow access to it, and then click on the ‘Allow’ button. ..

In order to turn on sharing so anyone can see your public folders, you will need to first turn on password protected sharing. Then, you will need to click on “Turn on sharing so anyone……Public folders” and “Turn off password protected sharing”. Finally, you can save your changes by clicking on ‘Save changes’.

If you are transferring files just between your PCs, you should turn off password protected sharing otherwise keep it on.

Step 6: Repeat steps 2-5 on both computers.

  1. Open the Control Panel.
  2. Navigate to Network and Internet.
  3. Click on Network Sharing Center.
  4. In the ‘Network Sharing Center’ window, click on the ‘Change adapter settings’ button.
  5. In the ‘Change adapter settings’ window, under the ‘Local Area Connection’ heading, click on the ‘Advanced’ button
  6. In the ‘Advanced TCP/IP Settings’ window, under the ‘Adapter Settings’ heading, click on the ‘Static IP Address’ button
  7. In the ‘Static IP Address (IPv4) field, type in an IP address that is not currently in use on your network
  8. In the ‘Default Gateway (IPv4) field, type in an IP address that is not currently in use on your network
  9. Underneath each of these fields, type in a default gateway address that is not currently in use on your network
  10. Click OK to save your changes and close out of the ‘Change adapter settings’ window ..

In the properties dialog box, you will see the following:

  1. The network name: This is the name of your network.
  2. The type of network: Ethernet (if you are using a wired network).
  3. The port number: This is the port number on your computer that will be used to connect to the network. If this number is not given, it will be automatically guessed based on your computer’s hardware and networking settings.

Step 9: Select “Internet Protocol Version 4(TCP/IPv4)” and click on ‘Properties’.

  1. On your computer, open a web browser and type “https://www.google.com” into the address bar.
  2. Click on the “Search” button in the upper-right corner of the browser window, and type “TCP/IP.”
  3. Click on the first result that appears, which is a link to “TCP/IP Properties.”
  4. On the TCP/IP Properties page, click on the “Version” tab at the top of the page.
  5. In the text box next to “Version,” type 4 and then click on OK to close TCP/IP Properties. ..

On the second computer, select “Use the following IP address.” And enter the following ones Step 11: Configure your router to use the different IP addresses. To do so, on your router, select “ Use this IP address.” And enter the following ones Step 12: Configure your phone to use the different IP addresses. To do so, on your phone, select “ Use this IP address.” And enter the following ones

After clicking on the “OK” button, you will be taken to a new screen that asks you to enter your name and email address. After you have entered these details, the software will send you a link to activate your account. ..

Windows 10 Windows 8.1 Step 11: On the first computer, open a web browser and enter the following address: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/install/windows-10-update-kb2919355 Step 12: On the second computer, open a web browser and enter the following address: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/install/windows-8.1-update-kb2919355 ..

You have successfully completed the task of creating a new article.

  1. Open File Explorer on your computer and navigate to the “Network” folder on the left side menu.
  2. If you have configured everything correctly, you should see both your computer and the other computer on the network. ..

Sharing Files

Step 2: Log in to the other PC and copy all the files from the new folder to the clipboard. Step 3: Paste the clipboard contents into a text editor and create a new file called “ToPC” with the following content: ToPC This is a test message.

Step 2: Once you have moved everything to the folder, right-click on it and select ‘Give access to’ and navigate to ‘Specific people…’. Once you have moved everything to the folder, right-click on it and select ‘Give access to’. This will open the ‘Specific people…’ window. From here, you can choose who has access to the folder. ..

To add a new user to your group, from the drop-down menu, select ‘Everyone’ and click on ‘Add’. Once you did that, click on ‘Share’. ..

After following the prompts, you will see the network location of the folder. Click on ‘Done’ to finish. ..

That’s it, now open the Network folder on your computer and click on the name of another computer. You will see a shared folder, you can now transfer all the files from the folder to your PC.

So that was all about how to transfer files between 2 PCs using a LAN cable. Make sure to connect the cable properly and let us know in the comments if you have any questions. ..