Android guest mode is a great way to have an entirely separate phone within your primary one. Much like having a separate user account on a computer or website, guest mode can have different apps, files, home screen widgets, emails, etc. Guest users can still make calls, install apps, and download their own files, but nothing collides with your account. ..

Guest mode is a great way to give someone else access to your phone. It’s especially handy if you have a lot of friends or family who want to use your phone but don’t have their own. Switching to guest mode is easy, and all you need is a password. Here’s how:

  1. Open the Settings app on your Android device.
  2. Tap on Accounts and then tap on Guest Mode.
  3. Enter your password and then tap on Enable Guest Mode. ..

Why You Should Use Android Guest Mode

Guest mode lets you share your phone with someone else without giving them access to your personal information or apps. ..

Android guest mode is a great way to have a phone that is distraction-free for a while. Turn over to guest mode and enjoy zero app notifications. Since your regular apps aren’t installed in guest mode, you won’t be tempted to open games during work or browse social media when out with friends.

How To Set Up Android Guest Mode

Turning on Android’s guest mode is a really easy way to use your phone without having to remember to turn it off every time you want to use it.

If you don’t have multiple users turned on, go to Settings > System > Advanced and enable multiple users. Then add a guest or Guest (whichever one you see) to switch over to guest mode.

If you want to enable phone calls for a guest user, tap the settings button next to the guest option. If you don’t want the guest user to be able to make or take phone calls, then disable phone calls by tapping the settings button next to the guest option and selecting “No Calls.” Another way to quickly switch in and out of Android guest mode is by swiping down from the top of the screen. Expand the notifications panel and select “Guest.” ..

When you’re finished in guest mode, and before you choose a different account to switch over to, the Guest button changes to Remove guest.

This is a way to erase all the work you’ve done in guest mode so that the next time you go in there, it’s a brand-new account with no history of anything you’ve done. If you don’t erase guest mode, you can still do it the next time you open it.

What Gets Shared Between Accounts

Your phone is constantly sharing its current state with apps and settings, including Wi-Fi network details and paired Bluetooth devices.

This means that when one user updates an app, it’s updated for all users. The same goes for wireless devices. Whether you or the guest user joins a wireless network, you’ll both have access to the network since the password is shared between both accounts.

If you have a guest account on your iPhone, you can’t share any of the content on your primary account with the guest account. You can open email accounts, download documents, take pictures, etc., but the other account won’t see them unless they switch over to yours. ..

Guests vs Users On Android Phones

To add a user, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Settings app and navigate to the Accounts section.
  2. Scroll down and select the Guest account you want to add.
  3. Tap on the Add user button and enter your desired information.
  4. Tap on the OK button to confirm your addition.

When you switch over to guest mode, Android asks if you want to keep the same changes made to the user profile or start over. This is different from when you switch over to a user account, where Android views guest mode as a temporary state where you might want to wipe it before each new use, while user accounts are meant for long-term use with their own apps and files.

Android guest mode is different from other Android devices in that you can’t send or receive texts. Phone calls can work if you enable them, but there isn’t an option to turn on texting. If you want another user account that’s separate from your primary one, and you want it to be able to text, you’ll have to use another user account instead of guest mode (and then enable texting for it). ..

  1. User mode is the default mode for Android devices, and allows you to use the device as if it were your own.
  2. Guest mode is a mode that allows someone else to use your Android device, without having full control over it.

Only user mode can send and receive texts from the Messages app. Guest mode is easier to erase after use, but you can still delete user accounts fairly easily.

Both social media platforms have their own benefits and disadvantages. It’s entirely up to you which one you use. ..