This is a new feature that’s only available to users who enable it. Unfortunately, you can’t see who viewed your profile or videos yet. It would be really helpful if this feature was available sooner so you could scroll through all of those names on a viral video!

If you don’t see this feature, you need to update the TikTok app to the latest version. Keeping your app up to date does more than ensuring you have access to the best tools – it also helps with privacy.

How to See Your TikTok Profile View History

Your TikTok account is likely generating a lot of interest on social media. This can be good or bad, depending on your goals. If you’re looking to make some new friends, then your TikTok account is likely to be popular. However, if you’re just looking to share videos with friends and family, then your TikTok account might not be as popular.

This feature enables you to see who has viewed your profile within the last thirty days, but it also shows other people when you view their profile. If someone doesn’t have this feature enabled and they view your profile, their username will appear as “tiktokuserXXXXXX” or some variation.

Disable this feature at any time.

You can follow anyone with just a tap on your profile.

How to Learn More About Video Views

You can see how many people have viewed your profile video, where it was viewed, and what other videos were in the same feed as it. ..

This data suggests that TikTok is a popular app with a lot of potential for growth. If you want to increase your following, you should take advantage of the creator tools to make your content more discoverable.

Total Play Time: The cumulative time the video has been watched across all viewers and all plays. Average Watch Time: How long someone views the video. Watched full video: The percentage of viewers that watched your video all the way through. Reached Audience: The total number of people that saw your video.

The first section is for people who want to be more creative. The second section is for people who want to be more efficient.

The video views by section shows you how your video reached the audience, whether through the For You section, from your personal profile, your following, or through a sound, search, or hashtag. The more views you have from the For You section, the better – it means you’re hitting your intended audience.

The video views by region show you which part of the world people are viewing your TikTok from. This information can be helpful in understanding why people are watching your videos from certain regions.

With TikTok, you can see how your friends and followers are reacting to your videos. You can also see what topics they are talking about and how often.

This page provides a view of account performance and growth over the last 7, 28, or 60 days. You can set up a custom range to see how much engagement your videos have received in total, your net follower gain, and more.

The Content tab is where you can see all of the content that you’ve published, as well as the followers and live streams that you’ve shared. The Followers tab shows all of the people who have followed you, as well as the live streams and content that they’ve watched. The LIVE tab shows all of the latest live events that you’re involved in, as well as any new content that’s been added to your account.

Your Content: -Shows the number of videos you’ve produced over the past seven days and your trending videos – those with the greatest growth over the past week. ..

follower growth rate and gender ratio between male and female viewers for your followers

This tab shows you details about live content that has been created by you or by your team. If you don’t create any live content, this tab will be less useful.

How to Block Users

If you’re seeing negative comments from people you don’t know, it might be because someone you know is a stalker. It can be hard to tell who’s behind the online harassment, but if you’re concerned, it’s best to block them.

If you block a user, they will not be able to see your content or leave comments on any of your videos.