To find out who is sharing your post on Facebook, you can use the Facebook sharing tool. This tool allows you to see who has shared your post and to change the settings on their profile so that they cannot share it with other people. To do this, you first need to create a Facebook account and then open their profile. After they have opened their profile, click on the “Share” button at the top of their page. This will take you to a new page where you can set up your sharing preferences. On this page, you will need to select who can share your post and how they can share it. You can choose to allow everyone in your group or just certain people in your group to share your post. You also can choose whether or not to include a link in your post. If you include a link, then other people in your group must click on the link in order for them to be able to read the full article. After setting up these sharing preferences, you are ready to share your post! To do this, simply click on the “Share” button at the top of your page and then enter the content of your post into the text field below.

How to See Who Shared Your Facebook Post

If you don’t see who shared your Facebook post in your notifications, you’ll need to go to the post itself to see who shared it. Follow these steps to do so.

After you click on a name, you’ll be taken to that person’s Facebook profile. You can see all the posts that person has shared, as well as the comments people have made on them. This can give you a good idea of who has seen your post and what people think of it. ..

How to Change Facebook Post Settings

If you find that you don’t want certain people to share your post, there are a few things you can do to prevent this from happening. The first is to change your Facebook settings. Here’s how to do so.

When you create a new post on Facebook, you will be asked to set up your privacy settings. Only the people who you choose to see your posts will be able to share them. However, you can change these settings for each post. This means that you can prevent sharing on any post you want. Here’s how:

  1. Click on the three lines in the top left corner of your screen and select “Privacy Settings”.
  2. In the “Privacy Settings” window, select “Share this post with all my friends” if you want to share your post with all your friends.
  3. If you want to share your post with just a few friends, select “Share this post only with my friends”.

You can choose to only share posts with friends on Facebook, certain people, or just you. This will stop the sharing of your posts with anyone indiscriminately. ..

See Who Shared Your Facebook Posts

To see who has shared your post on their Facebook profile, simply go to the post’s page and click on the “Share” button. This will take you to a screen where you can see who has shared it, as well as their comments and reactions. ..