Many social media sites offer built-in tools for scheduling posts, or there are often third-party tools, such as HootSuite, for Twitter. ..

Cronnit is the best free web-based Reddit post scheduler to use on Reddit. It’s easy to use and doesn’t require any complicated scripts or browser extensions. ..

What Is Cronnit?

Cronnit is a free and open-source web service that allows users to send scheduled posts to Reddit. It was developed by an active Redditor, /u/KayRice, and is regularly maintained. ..

Reddit offers a free, unlimited, daily post limit for its users. This service is operated using the Reddit API and requires OAuth2 authentication. There are no other limitations other than a daily post limit of five posts per day, per account. However, you can schedule an unlimited number of posts for the future.

Some similar services, such as Later for Reddit and Delay for Reddit, charge monthly fees and have much tighter monthly post restrictions. ..

How Can I Use Cronnit to Post on Reddit?

Cronnit is a safe and simple way to use Reddit. Since Cronnit uses OAuth2, its servers never actually come in contact with your Reddit password. ..

To login with Cronnit, just navigate to the Cronnit homepage and click on the Login button.

Allow Cronnit access to your account. You can always revoke its access in the future.Once logged in, you’ll be taken to a blank screen with a few buttons. It’ll be empty because this is where your scheduled posts will be displayed.If you click on the Add Post button, you’ll quickly see how easy scheduling a post is. ..

To schedule a post on Reddit, simply enter the subreddit name and post title in the text field, and click on the Schedule Post button.

If you make a mistake while scheduling your post, or if it is not up to par with what you were hoping for, you can quickly and easily fix it by pressing the “edit” button.

To bulk import posts to Cronnit, use a CSV file. This can be used to organize and schedule posts on Reddit all at once.

To set up posts in the CSV format, you can use Cronnit’s downloadable template sheet.

If you want to import a large number of posts from Reddit, Cronnit may be a better option. However, be aware that Cronnit can only handle a certain number of posts at a time, so if you want to import a lot of posts, it may not be the best choice.

The Reddit community has a feature called “flooding.” This feature allows users to submit the same post multiple times. If this happens, it will result in a permanent ban. All accounts using this feature are subject to review.

Cronnit is the best Reddit post scheduling service because it’s free and it goes above and beyond all other services. ..

Looking for a subreddit to make these scheduled, automated posts on? Check out our guide covering advanced searching on Reddit.