If you delete a world in Minecraft, there’s no way to get it back. But you can restore a deleted world if you have a backup and back up your save files so this never happens again. ..

How to Restore a Deleted World on PC

To recover a deleted Minecraft world, you must back up your save games. This is because when Minecraft deletes a file, it does so permanently, bypassing the recycling bin.

  1. Start by forgiving yourself.
  2. Find your way back to the people and things you loved before you lost them.
  3. Remember what made you happy before the pain took over.

In order to get the most out of your Minecraft experience, it is important to understand the different editions and how they work. The Bedrock Edition is a new version of the game that was released in October 2014. It includes many new features and changes, such as a more realistic world and updated graphics. Java Edition is the older version of the game that is still used by many people. It includes the same features as the Bedrock Edition, but has been updated to use Java code instead of traditional Minecraft code.

How to Restore a Deleted World on Phone or Console

There is no way to restore a deleted world on Minecraft PE or the console version of Minecraft if you haven’t made a backup of the Minecraft world folders. However, if the save file was simply corrupted, the game will automatically attempt to recover and fix the file.

How to Back Up Your Minecraft Worlds

One of the best ways to protect your Minecraft world is to back it up in a separate location. Many applications (including Windows) will do it for you automatically if you take the time to set it up.

How to Backup Minecraft Worlds Manually on Windows: 

How to Backup Minecraft Worlds Automatically With Windows File History

Google Drive is a great way to store your files. You can back up your files using Google Drive or OneDrive. This is a great way to ensure your files are always safe as they are backed up to a secure cloud server.

How to Backup Minecraft on Xbox 

If you play Minecraft on an Xbox and have an Xbox Live account, your save files are automatically backed up to the Xbox cloud storage. ..

How to Backup Minecraft on PlayStation 4

PlayStation Plus members have access to up to 100GB of cloud storage. To enable automatic backups, select Settings > Application Data Management > Auto-Upload > Enable Automatic Uploads. Your saved data should automatically be backed up to the PS Plus Cloud.

Minecraft saves can be manually backed up by selecting Settings > System > Back Up and Restore, then transferring your Minecraft files to an external hard drive. ..

How to Backup Minecraft on Android or iPhone

To back up your mobile Minecraft world, you must create a backup of the phone. If you lose your Minecraft world or it becomes corrupted, you can then restore your phone to a previous version.

On Android, you can back up your data by selecting Settings > Accounts and backup > Back up data.  You can also ensure that the Apps option is turned on to back up your apps.

To enable iCloud backup on your iPhone, open Settings and select iCloud. Under “Backup & Restore,” turn on “iCloud Backup.” Your iPhone will now back up to iCloud automatically once per day when connected to Wi-Fi. ..

You can back up your Android or iPhone using services like Google Drive.

There is no guarantee that data recovery software or specialists will be able to retrieve a lost Minecraft world. Further, data recovery is almost impossible on Android without a backup. ..

Use Backups to Protect Your Minecraft Worlds

There’s a good chance that if you backed up your game data, you also backed up your progress. If not, it’s important to do so. Backing up your data can help you start over and continue on in the game with the same progress. This is especially important for games that delete or corrupt save files.

This tutorial will show you how to create a secure Minecraft world that is difficult to hack.