How to Pin a Tab in Google Chrome

Pin and Unpin Tab Using Mouse or Trackpad

Open Chrome, click on the tab you want to pin, and select Pin. ..

Chrome:// Pin

Chrome will move the tab to the “Pin Area” of the tab bar. Pinned tabs hide the page title and only displays the website’s icon on the thumbnail. Additionally, pinned tabs are smaller (square-shaped) than unpinned tabs with page titles.

To unpin a tab, right-click the tab in the Pin Area and select Unpin.

(Re)Organize Pinned Tabs

If you want to move a pinned tab to the front, you can drag it to the front of the tab bar. ..

You can always re-order pinned tabs within the Pin Area. Google Chrome doesn’t support moving or positioning pinned tabs outside the Pin Area. ..

To move a pinned tab, click on the tab, and drag it to your preferred position in the Pin Area.

Pinning vs. Grouping Tabs: What’s Different

Google Chrome lets you group tabs in the browser so that you can better organize your tabs and find them more easily. You can create whatever groups help you stay more organized, such as a group for researching a project and another for entertainment apps like Netflix or Hulu. You could also create different tab groups for different priority tabs, like stuff you need to take care of right away and stuff that can wait.

Chrome doesn’t move grouped tabs to the left side of the tab bar. Instead, the browser files and color-codes the tab in a new section on the tab bar. You can also give grouped tabs a name or title.

  1. Open Chrome and click on the three lines in the top left corner of the window.
  2. Type “chrome://tabs” into the address bar and hit return.
  3. A list of all your current tabs will appear, along with a list of all the groups they are in. To add a new tab to a group, just click on it and then click on the plus sign next to the tab name.

To remove a tab from a group, you can either drag it out of the group or add it to an existing group. ..

Chrome lets you pin individual tabs within a group. When you pin a tab, Chrome moves the tab out of the group to the Pin Area. ..

Pin Tab Using Keyboard Shortcut

To pin and unpin tabs in Google Chrome, you can use a third-party extension. However, there is no built-in keyboard shortcut for this. You can manually create a keyboard shortcut using a third-party extension.

Chrome successfully installed the extension.

To use the new keyboard shortcut to pin and unpin tabs in Chrome, first you need to configure the Shortkeys extension to work in Incognito mode. ..

Chrome disables third-party extensions in incognito mode, so the shortcut won’t work when you open an incognito window. To pin browser tabs using keyboard shortcuts, enable the extension to work in Incognito mode.

Your custom keyboard shortcut will now pin and unpin tabs in regular and Incognito mode. If you want to keep the tabs in a particular location, you can use the " pinned tab" option to do so.

Open Chrome With Pinned Tab

Google Chrome permanently fixes pinned tabs to the tab bar. Unless you unpin or close pinned tabs, they’ll remain in the “Pin Area” even when you close (and reopen) your browser. Grouped tabs and other regular tabs are closed.

If you keep multiple browser windows open, always close the window with pinned tabs last.

If you’re using a Mac computer, close Chrome by clicking the red icon in the top-left corner of the browser window. Instead, right-click Chrome on the Dock, and select Quit. Alternatively, press and hold Command + Q for about 3 seconds until the browser closes.

When you reopen Google Chrome, it’ll open the browser with your pinned tabs and any tabs that are open in other browsers will be closed.

Pin the Important Tabs

If you can’t pin tabs, make sure you’re using the latest version of Google Chrome on your device.


Chrome is updating and you might need to close and reopen it to install the update. Refer to our tutorial on updating Chrome for more information.