To resize a video for posting on your blog, website, or social feed:

  1. Open YouTube and sign in to your account.
  2. Click on the three lines in the top left corner of the main screen (or on the main menu if you’re using a web browser).
  3. Choose “Resize Video.”
  4. In the “Width” field, enter a value that’s at least 100% of the width of your video’s original size. In the “Height” field, enter a value that’s at least 100% of the height of your video’s original size. If you want to use a custom size, enter it in both fields.
  5. Click on “Resize Video.”
  6. The video will be resized to fit within its new dimensions and will be updated in real time as it changes.

The easiest way to make a video smaller is to share it on YouTube. First, find the video you want to make smaller on YouTube. Then click on the Share link and click on Embed, if it’s not already selected. ..

#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main(int argc, char **argv) { printf("%s “, argv[0]); }

The video above is a report on the protests in Cairo that have been ongoing for the past few days. The protesters are demanding that the president, Mohamed Morsi, step down because of what they say are his poor policies and his links to the Muslim Brotherhood.

The embed code for the YouTube video “How to make a simple cake” is very easy to understand. You have the width and height, the src tag which is the URL to the YouTube video, a frameborder value and an option to allow the video to be played full screen. There are other options in addition to these, but this is the basic embed code.

To change the width and height of your text, you can use the Custom size option. This will automatically adjust the width and height to match your desired setting.

To change the width of an embed, just type in a value for the width and Tab will automatically calculate and fill in the height. You can also type in a value for the height, and Tab will adjust the embed code’s width to match. For some odd reason, the width box won’t change values, which could be a bug. ..

-You can make the video smaller by cropping it. -You can make the video smaller by reducing the resolution. -You can make the video smaller by cutting out certain parts of the video. ..

  1. If you want to continue watching the video after it finishes, check this box.
  2. If you want to fast forward or rewind the video, check this box.

If you’re embedding the YouTube video to a site that uses a secure connection (SSL/HTTPS), then you have the option to use HTTPS in the embed code too.

  1. Enable Privacy-Enhanced Mode on Your Site – If you want to keep your visitors’ privacy while they watch your YouTube videos, enable Privacy-Enhanced Mode on your site. This will prevent YouTube from capturing any information about your visitors, including their name, email address, and other personal information.

The new embed code uses the IFRAME tag and supports HTML 5 video in addition to flash.

?autoplay=1 ..

In the wake of the Orlando shooting, many are asking how to prevent future tragedies. Some experts say that gun control is the answer, while others say that it’s not the only solution. ..

Nice! You can also start the video at a certain time by adding #t=1m30s to the end of the src URL:

The Trump administration is considering a plan to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which allows undocumented immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children to stay and work without fear of deportation. The program has been a major source of support for many DACA recipients, and many people are worried about its future.

As you can see from the example above, the different parameters can be combined. In this example, I am having the video auto play and I’m making sure it starts at 1 minute and 30 seconds into the video.

There are a few secret parameters you can pass into the embed code for making a YouTube video smaller. The new embed code will work in most modern browsers without any need for Flash. By using these parameters, you can make your videos look better and be more efficient.