First, you’ll need to know what you need to do in order to set up a bot. In this article, we’ll explain what you need and how you can get started. After reading this article, you should be able to:

  • Set up a bot on your server
  • Configure it for use

Getting Started – What You Need for a Music Bot on Discord

To install the Discord music bot, you must first make sure you have the correct permissions. If you are not the server owner or administrator, you will need to ask the owner for permission. To find out what permissions your role has on Discord, click ‘server settings’. ..

In the Server Settings window, you will find a list of options that affect how your website behaves. The options that you will most likely want to change are: Server Type: This setting affects how your website is served. You can choose to have your website served through a web server, an FTP server, or a CDN. Server Location: This setting affects where your website is hosted. You can choose to have your website hosted in the United States, Europe, Australia, or Canada. Proxy Server: If you want to use a proxy server on your site, you can select this option. A proxy server helps protect your computer from being accessed by someone who is not authorized to access it.

On the settings page, click Roles on the left, and then on the right, look for your role. If you are not sure which role you are, look for one of the other roles. ..

To add bots to your Discord channel, you must first switch the ‘Administrator’ option to the on position. This will allow you to add bots to your Discord channel. ..

Discord is a great platform for gamers to communicate and share music. It has a user-friendly interface and is easy to use. Rythmbot is a Discord music bot that can be used to listen to your favorite songs on the platform.

On the Rythmbot download page, click the Invite Rythm button. This will add rhythm to your server.

Next, you’ll need to choose the server you’d like Rythm to join. You may need to sign into your Discord account on your browser before being shown this option. If you have administrator permissions on multiple servers, make sure you choose the right one.

To create a voice channel for the music bot, simply click Authorize and Rythm will be added to your server. Next, it’s time to create a voice account for the music bot. You can use this account to create a fun radio station or a social listening experience, but you don’t want the music bot in your standard voice chat channel.

Click on the ‘+’ button on the voice channels section, found on the left side of the Discord window. Now, type in “” and hit enter. Now, type in “” and hit enter.

Once you’ve found the track, open up Rythm and click on the Voice Channel tab. Then, select the channel that you want to use and click on Join. Finally, make sure that your microphone is turned on and ready to go. ..

!play ‘youtubeurlhere’

If you want the music bot to leave, simply type !disconnect and it will leave the channel it is currently in. If you want the bot to join the channel you are in, type !join. ..

There are many other commands available for you to use with Rythmbot. For example, typing ‘!lyrics song name’ can return results for the lyrics and paste them into the text channel.

You can simply type !play ‘song name’ to add the song to your play queue. ..

The Discord Bot Isn’t Playing Any Music – Help!

If the sound is playing but is distorted, you may need to adjust your audio settings. To do this, open Discord and click on the three lines in the top left corner of the app. From here, you can change your audio quality, volume, and more. ..

If you are located in the United States, change your server to US. If you are located in Europe, change your server to Europe. If you are located in Asia, change your server to Asia.

If you’re having trouble connecting to Discord, make sure that your music bot is muted. Right-click the bot when it’s in the voice channel and select “user volume” from the menu. Also, ensure “mute” and “server mute” are ticked.

If you’re still experiencing issues, try typing !disconnect in the chat and then type !join to disconnect and reconnect the bot. Sometimes this can solve issues.

As a final note, make sure you are actually connected to the server. You must be connected to the server to be able to hear the music.

If you want to make it so only the bot can play audio in a specific channel, you’ll need to assign a unique role to the bot.

Now, click on the General tab. In the Server Settings section, you will find a lot of information about your server. You can find out its name, type of server (Linux or Windows), and its location. You can also set up your own security settings and choose how much access users have to your server.

To create a music bot, first click the Roles tab and then the small ‘+’ button at the top. Name your new role something like Music Bot and save your changes. Finally, close down that page. ..

Next, right click the Rythmbot and give it the music bot role.

To disable voice chat for all roles in a music channel, right-click the music channel and select Edit Channel. Go through each role and disable voice chat for all except the music bot role. ..

The Music Bot role needs this setting on the tick to play music.


This Discord music bot guide is for people who want to learn how to use Discord music bots. This guide will teach you how to create a Discord music bot, set up your bot, and use your bot to listen to music.