Microsoft Speech API is a set of APIs used to allow applications to speak. This can be useful for various purposes such as text-to-speech accessibility, but it’s also possible for developers to use the APIs.

In this article, I’ll show you how to create a VBS script that will take a text input from a user and then speak it. I’ll also mention how to hard code the text you want spoken and then schedule that script to run on specific events like starting Windows or logging off.

Input Text, Speak Message

Then, paste the following into Notepad: “C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c “netstat -an | findstr “inetnum” This will give you a list of all the active TCP/IP connections on your computer. You can then use this information to determine which one you want to connect to.

The president of the United States, Donald Trump, announced on Twitter that he will be making a decision on whether or not to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. This announcement comes after months of discussion and debate in the United States about what to do about Jerusalem. Some people in the United States believe that Jerusalem should be the capital of Israel because it is the oldest city in the country and it is home to some of Israel’s holiest sites. Others believe that Jerusalem should be the capital of Palestine, because it is where both Judaism and Islam originated. There are many different opinions about what to do about Jerusalem, and there are also many different people in America who are interested in seeing this issue resolved. I am sure that President Trump will make a decision soon about whether or not to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

“I’m not a morning person.” “I’m not a morning person. I like to sleep in.”

Now when you save the file, give it any name, but make sure you also type .VBS after the name. Next, for the Save as type box, choose All files instead of the default Text Documents.

Now double-click on the VBS file and you should see an input box where you can type in the text you want spoken! Type something and click OK.

If you followed all the instructions correctly, you should hear either a male or female voice speak your sentence. If you get any kind of error message, make sure to copy and paste the text again and replace those quotes. ..

Configure SAPI Voice Settings

This computer can be customized to have different settings, like how fast or slow the voice talks and how gender-based the talk is. Here is some code to get started:

The default rate is 0 and the range is -10 to 10. -10 will have the voice speak super slowly and 10 will speak super fast. The volume is defaulted at 100 and the range is 0 to 100. The line that starts with Set sapi.Voice will allow you to change to another voice, if installed on your system.

Windows 7 comes with only one voice, Microsoft Anna. ..

In Windows 10, there are two voices: Microsoft David and Microsoft Zira. The two voices are different but have the same goal. The goal is to make Windows 10 more user-friendly and efficient.

If you only have one voice installed on your system, you need to change the line that says “sapi.GetVoices.Item(1)” to “sapi.GetVoices.Item(0).” Otherwise, you’ll get an error message when you try to run the script. You can also create another document and paste the code below into it, which will tell you what voices are installed. Save it as a .VBS file like shown above and run it. ..

Previously, we’ve been using this popup dialog to enter text, but you could also simply type your message into the script file. This would be useful if you wanted to then schedule the script to run automatically. Obviously, this can be used to prank your friends and family and it works really well. ..

Imagine your computer telling you “Hello John, I’m very sleepy, please don’t bother me today!” when it boots up! It’s hysterical and you should definitely try it. ..

echo “Hello, world!” ..

Schedule Script File

If you want to target a specific person, you can use a program like “NirSoft’s AutoIt Script Recorder” which will record your script when the target user logs on or starts up their computer. ..

You can create custom task schedules, or even automate your work by using the Task Scheduler to run specific tasks at specific times. This can save you a lot of time and hassle in your work life.

If you want to schedule a script file to run when certain events occur in Windows, you can do so by using the Scheduler. The Scheduler is a tool that helps you plan and manage your tasks. You can use it to schedule tasks for specific days or hours, or to schedule tasks for specific weeks or months. You can also use the Scheduler to create custom schedules.