If you want to share a more personal story with your followers on Snapchat, you need to create a Private story. This way, only the people you choose to see your story will be able to see it. This is a great way to share something special with just a few people, without having to worry about anyone else seeing it. ..

Snapchat Stories in a Nutshell

  1. Stories are short videos that you can share with others on Snapchat.

  2. You can add people as friends or followers to your story if you want to share it with them later.

  3. If you post a story on Snapchat and then delete it, it won’t appear in your history or in the app’s search results.

  4. If someone shares a story on Snapchat that you have shared, but hasn’t added you as a friend or follower, they will get an alert about the story and be able to see it in their app history if they have an account on Snapchat.

  5. Stories that are funny and share a moment with friends.

  6. Stories that are sad and share a story with someone you care about.

  7. Stories that are educational and share a lesson with someone you know.

My stories are the default stories that you see when you add your snaps using the Story button on your main screen. These can be viewed only by your friends on Snapchat. If you want to make your stories public, you can do so in the Snapchat settings. If you want to make your stories private, you can do so in the Snapchat settings.

How to Create a Private Snapchat Story

To create a private story on Snapchat, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Snapchat app and sign in.

  2. Click on the three lines in the top left corner of the screen (the three lines that look like a triangle).

  3. Type your name and email address into one of the boxes on the right side of the screen.

  4. Click on the blue “Create Story” button at the bottom of the screen.

  5. Enter your phone number into one of the other boxes and click on “Create Story” again to finish creating your story.

  6. Log in to your Snapchat account.

  7. Click on the three lines in the top left corner of your screen (the ones that look like a smiley face).

  8. Type in “private story.”

  9. Click on the “create story” button.

To view your private stories, open the Stories section of your Snapchat profile and tap on the padlock. The number of users who can see your story will be indicated by an eye icon. ..

How to Add and Remove Snaps From Your Private Stories

After you create a Private Story on Snapchat, you can go back and edit it by adding more snaps or removing old ones.

To add snaps to your Private Story, go to the Stories section of your Snapchat profile. Find the Private Story you want to edit and select Add Snap. You can also select the three horizontal dots next to the story, and select Add to Story from the menu. ..

To remove snaps from your Private Story, find the story you want to edit and select the snap you want to delete. In the upper-right corner of the screen, find the three horizontal dots and select Delete from the menu. That will remove the chosen snap from your story.

After you create a Private Story on Snapchat, you can change its name, add or remove Snapchat users from it, and tweak the settings to auto-save snaps to Memories to view them later. You can find all of these options in your Private Story’s menu by selecting the three horizontal dots next to it. ..

Other Types of Stories on Snapchat

Snapchat is a messaging app that allows users to share short videos and photos with others. There are three main types of stories on Snapchat: public stories, Campus Stories, and Our Story. Campus Stories are location-specific, and if you want to see the snaps uploaded in your neighborhood, you can do it thanks to the feature called Our Story. You can go to the Snap Map and find different stories that people share in various locations.

To access the Snap Map, select the location icon in the bottom-left corner of your screen, or swipe right from the main Snapchat screen.

Snap Map is a new way to share and forward your snaps. If you decide to delete a snap that you added to Our Story afterwards, there’s no guarantee that you’ll get it off the internet. It might have already been forwarded and shared to other Snapchat users.

These location-based stories are also curated by Snapchat staff to ensure the content is appropriate for all viewers. Campus Stories are a type of Our Stories that are campus-specific. If you live on campus or visited one in the last 24 hours, you’ll see them pop up on your Snap Map. It’s a neat way to bring the community of students together.

Make Sure Your Private Content Stays Private

If you’re not careful with the type of content you share on your Snapchat stories, you’re likely to start receiving invitations from strangers, snaps from random users, spam, and weird chat requests. To avoid this, make sure you don’t post any personal or sensitive information even when using Private Stories, and take the time to learn the best Snapchat privacy tips. ..

Do you share Snapchat stories with the public or with your close friends and family? Do you want them to be seen by people in your area, even if they’re complete strangers? Let us know in the comments below.