1. Open the Start Menu and type “cmd”.
  2. Type “netstat -an” and press Enter.
  3. Look for the line that says “Computer Name (or IP Address) is locked by Bitlocker” and change it to the name of your drive. For example, if your drive is called C:, you would change it to D:.
  4. Type “netstat -an | grep Bitlocker” and press Enter again. You should now see a line that says “Computer Name (or IP Address) is not locked by Bitlocker”. Change it to the name of your drive again if you want.

Steps to Lock Drive with Password in Windows 10

Hidden Disk Software

Windows 10 includes a built-in security feature called “Cryptography” that helps protect your data from unauthorized access. This feature uses encryption to password-protect drives on Windows.

Hidden Disk creates a virtual disk that is password protected. So if you want to password-protect a drive then you will have to create a ‘Virtual’ protected disk drive from Hidden Disk.

  1. Choose a topic that is important to you and write about it in depth.
  2. Research the topic and find reliable sources to back up your information.
  3. Write a well- researched article that is full of facts and provides an accurate perspective on the topic.
  4. Make sure to use strong language when discussing the issue and make sure to avoid making personal attacks on anyone involved in the issue.

Step 2: Once Hidden Disk is installed, open it and click on the “Create” button Step 3: On the “Create Volume” window, enter a name for your new volume (e.g. “My Documents”) and click on the “Create” button Step 4: Once your new volume has been created, click on it to open the “Volume Contents” window. Here you’ll see a list of all of the files and folders that are currently stored on your computer’s hard drive. To add a new file or folder to your volume, simply drag and drop it onto the window’s icon. Step 5: When you’re finished adding files and folders, click on the “Close Volume Contents” button to close Hidden Disk. ..

After successful installation, open it from the desktop shortcut icon. You will see an option of “Create Disk” at the bottom right corner. Click on that button to create a new disk. Step 2: After successful installation, open it from the desktop shortcut icon. You will see an option of “Create Disk” at the bottom right corner. Click on that button to create a new disk. ..

If you want to create a disk with your Windows data, but don’t want to format or reinstall Windows, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the “Create Disk” button.
  2. You will get a warning message that warns you not to format or reinstall Windows otherwise all the data in the hidden disk will be lost. Just make a backup before doing so and you are good. Click on the “I will remember” button.

Your hidden disk is now created as a separate drive on the file explorer. Add the files and folders that you want to safeguard. To add files and folders to your hidden disk, open the file explorer and click on the “Add Files” button.

Disable your hidden disk by clicking on the “Disable Disk” button.

Step 6: Open the Hidden Disk application. Select the drive letter and click on the “Create Disk” button. That will open your hidden disk and you get access to it.

To access your hidden disk, you can create a password and add it to your recovery email.

You have a hidden drive that is password protected. The drive is encrypted with a strong password.


Bitlocker is a security software that comes free with Windows OS. It lets you encrypt the entire hard drive, making it difficult for unauthorized individuals to access your data. However, this method is not applicable to Windows 10 Home Edition.

  1. Open Bitlocker.
  2. Type in your password.
  3. Click on the “Create Bitlocker Key” button.
  4. Enter the passcode you created in step 3 into the “Key Name” field and click on the “Create Bitlocker Key” button again.
  5. Click on the “Bitlocker” icon to start Bitlocker and enter your password into the “User Name” field and click on the “Bitlocker” icon to finish Bitlocker.

Step2: You will see a window that says “Bitlocker is enabled”. Click on that to continue. Step3: You will see a window that says “Please enter your password”. Type in your password and click on the “Enter” button. Step4: You will see a window that says “Bitlocker has been successfully created”. Click on the “Finish” button to finish the process.

Step 3: You will see the Bitlocker window, select, “Create a new password” and then enter the new password. Once you setup the password. Click on Next.

If you have not already done so, you will need to create a recovery key. You can do this by selecting one of the three options below and clicking Next. ..

There are several options when it comes to encrypting your drive. You can choose to encrypt the entire drive, which will make it difficult for anyone to access your data. ..

The encryption process will begin.

You have just completed a complete drive, which is password-protected.


  1. It is a free and open-source disk encryption software that can be used on Windows, Mac OSX and Linux.
  2. VeraCrypt encrypts your data with a strong AES-256-bit key, ensuring your files are safe from prying eyes.
  3. VeraCrypt also features an on-the-fly decryption feature that allows you to access your files without having to decrypt them first. ..

Virtual encrypted disk: Creates a virtual encrypted disk within a file and mounts it as a real disk. Encrypts an entire partition or storage device such as a USB flash drive or hard drive. Encryption is automatic, real-time (on-the-fly) and transparent. Parallelization andipelining allow data to be read and written as fast as if the drive was not encrypted. Encryption can be hardware-accelerated on modern processors. Provides plausible deniability in case an adversary forces you to reveal the password: Hidden volume (steganography) and hidden operating system.

VerCrypt is a free and open-source software that provides a secure storage solution for your data. ..

  1. Open the computer’s lid and press the power button to turn it on.
  2. Insert the drive into the computer’s drive bay and close the lid.
  3. Press and hold down the power button for about 10 seconds to turn off the computer.
  4. Remove the drive from the computer’s drive bay by pressing and holding down one of its two sides until it pops out (it should now be in your hand).
  5. Insert your fingers into one of its openings (the one on top), then twist it clockwise until it comes out again (it should now be in your other hand).
  6. Place the drive back into its drive bay and close the lid, then press and hold down the power button for about 10 seconds to turn on the computer again.

Step 2: Open VeraCrypt and click on the “Create a new vault” button. Step 3: Enter your desired name for your new vault and click on the “Create” button. Step 4: Enter your desired password for your new vault and click on the “Create” button. Step 5: Click on the “Finish” button to create your new VeraCrypt vault.

Step 3: After installation is complete, open VeraCrypt and click on the “Open” button. Step 4: In the VeraCrypt window, type in your password and click on the “Create” button. Step 5: After creating your VeraCrypt account, you will need to enter a new password for each device you want to encrypt.

Step 3: VeraCrypt by double-clicking the file VeraCrypt.exe or by clicking the VeraCrypt shortcut in your Windows Start menu.

Step 5: VeraCrypt will create a new volume for you. Click on the Volume button to select it.

To create a VeraCrypt volume within a file, follow these steps:

  1. Open the VeraCrypt Volume Manager.
  2. In the left pane, select File and then choose New Volume from the drop-down menu.
  3. In the New Volume dialog box, enter a name for your volume and click Create.
  4. The VeraCrypt Volume Manager will now show your new volume in the right pane. Double-click on it to open it.
  5. To create a password for your volume, click on the Password field and enter a strong password in the text box that appears. Click OK to close the Password field and save your changes. ..

In this step, you will choose whether to create a standard or hidden VeraCrypt volume. In this tutorial, we will choose the former option and create a standard VeraCrypt volume.

In this step you have to specify where you wish the VeraCrypt volume (file container) to be created. Note that a VeraCrypt container is just like any normal file. It can be, for example, moved or deleted as any normal file. It also needs a filename, which you will choose in the next step.

To create a VeraCrypt volume:

  1. Open VeraCrypt and click on the New Volume button in the main window.
  2. In the New Volume dialog box, specify the location of your VeraCrypt volume (F:\Data\MyVolume.hc in our example) and give it a name (MyVolume).
  3. Click on the Create button to create your new VeraCrypt volume. ..

If you want to encrypt existing files, you will need to move them to the VeraCrypt volume we are creating now. ..

In the Volume Creation Wizard window, click Next. In the Volume Creation Wizard window, click on the “Create a new volume” button. In the Volume Creation Wizard window, click on the “Create a new volume” button.

You can choose to use either the AES or SHA-256 algorithms for your volume encryption. The AES algorithm is more secure and is recommended if you want to keep your data safe from unauthorized access. The SHA-256 algorithm is more secure but slower, so it may not be the best choice if you want to keep your data safe from unauthorized access.

In the next step, you will specify the size of your VeraCrypt container. You can choose a different size if you wish. After you type in the desired size, click Next.

To create a strong password, make sure it is at least 8 characters long and includes at least one number and one letter. ..

After you choose a good password, type it in the first input field. Then re-type it in the input field below the first one and click Next.

To increase the cryptographic strength of your encryption keys, move your mouse randomly within the Volume Creation Wizard window. ..

The VeraCrypt volume will be created in the following location: F:\Data.

In the VeraCrypt Volume Creation Wizard window, click Exit.

Select a drive letter from the list (marked with a red rectangle). This will be the drive letter to which the VeraCrypt container will be mounted. ..

Step 16: Click Select File. To create a new document, click the “New Document” button on the toolbar. ..

Step 18: In the new file editor, you will see a new file called “test.txt” created. This file is the same as the one we used in steps 1-3, but with some changes. The first change is that we have added a line at the bottom of the file called “start” which will start our test program. The second change is that we have changed the name of our file to “test.txt” and saved it.

In the VeraCrypt window, click Mount. The password prompt dialog window should appear.

Step 20: Click the “Create Password” button. Your new password will be created and stored in your account.

Step 20: Select the PRF algorithm used to create the volume (SHA-512 is the default). If you don’t remember which PRF was used, just leave it set to “autodetection” but the mounting process will take more time. Click OK after entering the password. ..

We successfully mounted the container as a virtual disk on the computer M.

The virtual disk is a storage device that behaves like a real disk. You can save files to it and they will be encrypted on the fly as they are being written.

If you open a file stored on a VeraCrypt volume, for example, in a media player, the file will be automatically decrypted to RAM while it is being read. ..

How to create a VeraCrypt backup To create a VeraCrypt backup, you will need the following:

  1. VeraCrypt software
  2. A USB drive or external hard drive with at least 2GB of space
  3. A password manager like LastPass or KeePassX (optional)
  4. A computer with internet access and a valid user name and password


-Two ways to password protect your drive: One is by using a different and unique password, which becomes hard for someone to crack. The other is by using an app that helps add extra security layers.

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