1. Make sure your page is well-organized and easy to navigate.
  2. Use your page to promote your brand and products.
  3. Use social media to connect with people in a personal way.
  4. Be active on Facebook and other social media platforms, and be sure to post new content regularly.

1. Post Often and Reliably

To increase the chances of your posts being seen and engaging with your followers, aim to post on your page at least once a day. However, don’t post too often so that people feel overwhelmed and don’t lose focus on the purpose of their page. ..

Hubspot found that posts with fewer likes receive less clicks, and it’s better to post more frequently when you have a smaller following. Once you have over 10,000 followers, posting more often will be beneficial. ..

2. Invite People to Like the Page

If you have a large number of friends on Facebook, invite them to like your page. If they don’t already have a Facebook account, they will be more likely to visit your page if you invite them. You can get your first 100-200 likes with this method, depending on how many people you invite.

You can also post a link to your page on your personal Facebook profile, making it easy for your friends who already engage with you to click on it and give it a like.

3. Post as Your Page in Groups

Facebook groups are a great way to increase your page’s audience. By posting as your page in a relevant group, you can get eyes on your page that are more likely to click on it.

If you want to join a group, make sure you read the rules first. Some groups don’t want people promoting their businesses, so be sure to check before posting. If everything looks good and there’s no rule against promoting your business, create an engaging post that includes photos, video, and a call to action (see tip six below). ..

4. Use Targeted Ads

Facebook ads are a great resource for any business page. The social media giant is well known for being extremely efficient at targeting ads to relevant audiences. You can see what types of people like and engage with your page using Facebook’s Audience Insight tool. This will show you the ages, locations, interests, and social media behaviors of the people who like your page.

Facebook allows you to target ads specifically to people who are interested in your topic. This will make your ad more likely to reach people who will be interested in what you have to say, and grow your audience quickly.

5. Make Relevant Posts to Your Target Audience

If you want to appeal to a certain age group, make sure your posts are written in a way that resonates with that group. For example, if your page gets more engagement from people in the 18-25 age range, use language that is popular among this age group. However, don’t come off as fake by trying to appeal to everyone; if you’re not sure how a certain demographic will respond to your posts, do some research by speaking directly to similar people. ..

If your target audience consists of people who have a lot of time on their hands, you can try to be more creative and include more content that is interesting and engaging. You can also try to think about what issues or constraints your target audience may be facing, and then create posts that are tailored to them. For example, if your target audience is parents, you might try to include pictures or videos that show how important it is for them to have time for themselves.

6. Add a Call to Action

To get your audience engaged with your content, consider using a call to action. This simple statement encourages people to share their thoughts or take part in a poll. ..

Engagement is key on social media, and one way to increase engagement is to include calls to action. Calls to action can be anything from asking followers to like or share a post, to asking them to sign up for your email list. Including calls to action more often than not will help boost your page’s audience in the long run. ..

7. Add Your Page to Your Email Signature

You can use email to bring people in to your brand, by linking to your Facebook page or other social media sites, and then emailing them about new products or services. This can help you build relationships and get more customers.

To add a signature to your Gmail account, head to the General settings page and look for the Signature option. From here, you can add a link and even add clickable icons you can get from sites such as Exclaimer. ..

8. Go Live on Facebook

Facebook found that people are three times more likely to watch Live videos as they are being streamed. This content format is growing in popularity, and Facebook found that people are more likely to interact with the live video if it is easy to follow and has a clear purpose.

Facebook is favoring live videos that are actual footage over only graphics when it comes to its newsfeed. This is a good way to get people watching you and to increase engagement. Keep in mind that Facebook now favors live videos that are actual footage, as opposed to only graphics.

Growing Your Facebook Audience

Social media is a great way to connect with your audience and grow your business. When used correctly, social media can help you build a loyal following that supports your brand. Let us know how you use social media to promote your brand in the comments. ..