The YouTube algorithm is a complex system that determines which videos are shown on the site. By understanding how it works, you can improve your chances of getting views and subscribers. ..

The Basics of the YouTube Algorithm

The click-through rate (CTR) is the percentage of views that are brought in by your video, regardless of how many times it is watched. The average audience retention rate (ATR) is the percentage of views that are retained by your video, regardless of how often it is watched. If you have a high CTR and low ATR, you’re likely to see more views and more engagement from your viewers. If you have a low CTR and high ATR, you’re likely to see less views and less engagement from your viewers.

The click-through rate is the percentage of people that click your video when they see it on their screen. The average audience retention rate is the percentage of a video your audience watches, averaged out across all watch sessions.

If you can improve these values, your videos will be more popular. That means more views, more clicks, and more impressions.

Make a Good Thumbnail 

Next, make sure your thumbnail is visually appealing and easy to see. Use bright colors and images that are easily visible on a small screen. Try to avoid using too many graphics or photos in one thumbnail. Finally, make sure your thumbnail is easy to navigate and share with others on social media. Use easy-to-read text and images that are organized well.

Don’t use clickbait because people will just leave your video and that damages audience retention. More on that in a minute. Instead, take a topic that you think will get people’s attention, then include the topic in the text.

First, we’ve introduced the topic of golfing tips. Second, we’ve given a brief overview of what golfing tips are. Third, we’ve provided some examples of how to give golfing tips. Fourth, we’ve summarized the main points of this article. Fifth and finally, we’ve provided a conclusion for this article. ..

Choose a bright background color (Blue or green work best) Choose a contrasting text color Use two thirds for text, one third for facial expressions or topic context ..

Thumbnails can help improve clickthrough rates for videos. This means for each impression a video gets, there are more views. ..

For videos with high clickthrough rates, more views mean more potential for advertising revenue. ..

For more tips, initially try A/B testing with each video to test different colors and backgrounds. Once you’ve found a good option, stick with it – viewers love consistency.

Get People Engaged Straight Away

To increase the likelihood that your videos will be recommended to others, it is important that the average viewing time be as high as possible. Videos that are between 5 and 12 minutes long tend to perform better than shorter videos. ..

We need to ensure that we get viewers engaged right away. To do this, we need to keep things on track and not go off topic. We can do this by providing quick evidence why we should be trusted, then getting straight to the point. We can avoid having any pointless intro videos, long B-rolls, and don’t waste time asking for likes and subs.

I learned this the hard way. You can see here how even a 4 second intro gets 20% of my viewers to leave the video entirely. I dropped the intro and I maintained that same 78% audience retention for an additional 42 seconds.

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s important to get your message across as quickly as possible. That’s why I focus on delivering quality content that my viewers will want to see. I also make sure to tease them with the information before getting right into the main point. This way, they’re always eager to find out what I have to say next. ..

Monitor Your Audience Retention

We can use this same audience retention report to learn why people leave our videos. To find it, click on any video in your dashboard. Then, click analytics on the separate video page. After, click the engagement tab.

The audience retention report shows that videos with a high retention rate are more likely to be recommended to others. This is especially true for videos with a healthy audience.

The chart above, for the most part, shows a gradual decline. There are no steep drops. ..

Next, we have the unhealthy report. The audience retention is a lot lower. 44% still isn’t bad, but there are three significant drops where viewers leave the video. We can go to those moments in the video to find out what happened.

In this video, I attempted to add more length by talking about another unrelated topic, but my viewers dropped. So my solution should be to stay on topic and not worry about the video length past 5 minutes. You can do the same with your videos to learn more about your mistakes. ..

Build More Loyal Return Viewers

Each viewer is a real person. Pin a comment and suggest for your viewers to comment and share their thoughts. Interact with them, talk to them. ..

Building more real viewers will give you a better head start each time you post a video. Your loyal viewers will be more engaged and push up your audience retention and click through rate.

Find the Best Time to Post Your Video

When it comes to posting videos, make sure to post them the most consistently. This will help build a loyal audience that will always be there to support your views.

With that in mind, it’s usually a good time to post in the evening for your most popular region. You can find your “Top countries” report in the audience tab in analytics on the dashboard. ..


  1. Make sure your videos are well-made. This includes having good audio and video quality, as well as a catchy title and description.
  2. Try to create videos that are relevant to your audience. This means targeting your content towards the interests of your viewers.
  3. Share your videos on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. This will help get the word out about your content and attract new viewers.
  4. Use YouTube’s Annotations feature to add commentary or explanations to specific parts of your videos. Doing this can help make them more engaging for viewers.
  5. Be patient – it takes time for videos to reach a large audience on YouTube, so don’t be discouraged if viewership isn’t immediately high after uploading them! ..