YouTube is a great place to start a new career on YouTube. You can create content that is popular and engaging, and then watch it grow over time. You can also join the YouTube community and learn from other creators to help you grow your career.

The advice we’ve put together is simple: stay determined and keep your business growing. If you stick to our plan, you’ll be able to reach your goals no matter what.

Why You Shouldn’t Care About Losing 4,000 Monetized Watch Hours On YouTube

According to recent studies, it takes 4,000 hours of work to equal one year of income. This is based on the assumption that the average person works 40 hours a week. If you are working fewer hours or taking time off, it will take more time to equal the same amount of income. The study found that it takes an average of 10,000 hours to achieve a level of wealth equivalent to someone who has worked 40 hours a week for a year. So if you are working fewer hours or taking time off, it will take more time to achieve the same level of wealth. ..

In a one year period, the average view duration on our channel was 4 minutes, 7 seconds. That means in order to reach the 4,000 hour mark, we would need to accumulate 60,000 views on our channel. The average CPM on our channel in the year was $7.16. Approximately half of our views resulted in a monetized playback.

YouTube takes a 45% cut of all views, so after all of this, a channel with 60,000 views will earn only $117. It’s certainly a nice chunk of change, but it’s not something massive.

YouTube is introducing a new policy that requires creators to have 4,000 watch hours before they can start earning money from their videos. This means that many creators who have been building their channels for years may not be able to make a living from their videos anymore. However, this change is only temporary and will eventually be reversed. ..

But I Want 4,000 Watch Hours Now. How Can I Do It?

We’re going to share a really great strategy with you below that will help you to break out in your niche and capture thousands of engaged viewers. It’s a long term mission that will take you far, far past just 4,000 watch hours on YouTube.

If you want to hit that 4,000 hour mark with your audience, there are some methods you can use to squeeze more watch time out of them. ..

Create 20-60 Minute Podcasts

Your listeners will love your podcasts because they will be able to get the latest news and events right from your fingertips. You can also use podcasts as a way to promote your business or product.

Live Stream

Live streaming is a great way to rack up watch time and it can also be counted as part of your 4,000 hour goal. You can multiply your average viewers by the length of your stream to estimate how many hours you’ve watched. So, a single 4 hour stream with 50 average viewers would equal roughly 200 hours of watch time.

Increase Your Normal Video Length

YouTube is a great place to share videos that are longer than five minutes. You can also avoid posting shorter videos if you can.

The four methods mentioned here are all effective in getting more watch time, but it’s important to think about larger goals rather than just reaching 4,000 hours. Work hard and put the time in and you’ll eventually reach your target number.

How To Reach 4,000 YouTube Watch Hours & Beyond 

  1. Increase viewership on our channel
  2. Create new content that is engaging and well-made
  3. Increase advertising spending on our channel
  4. Collaborate with other creators to help us grow our audience

Your biggest challenge for this is the thousands of other creators that have already made a name for themselves on the platform across thousands of different niches. This means that, as a new YouTuber, your content is unlikely to be recommended amongst already established competitors in your niche. You could post videos without a strategy, and over time, you may see some success. But it would take years without a calculated approach.

  1. You create a video on how to make a perfect omelet.
  2. You create a video on how to save money on groceries.

Your video is met with mixed reactions, but it’s clear that people are interested in what you have to say. You continue to make videos about the game and the new content, and your audience grows.

You’re a sports news channel: A rumor appears online that a soccer player is about to transfer to a new team in a record-breaking deal. You find the details and report on it. You post your video before any of the bigger channels have a chance to. ..

If you want your video to appear on the front page of Google for searches on the covered topic, and to boost views on YouTube itself, then make sure to include keywords in your video title and description. Additionally, any searches within YouTube itself will lead to your video too. YouTube’s algorithm will recognize the topic in your video as a trending topic, and it will boost it to viewers that are heavily invested in your niche. ..

YouTube is introducing a new feature that will send out notifications to users even if they’re not subscribed to them, and the video appearing in “Up Next” and appearing on the YouTube homepage. This new feature is called “YouTube Now.”

Your video will likely be outranked if a larger channel covers the topic, but it won’t matter because you have already captured enough of an audience to get some subscribers and views.

Next time you release a video, make sure it’s engaging and has a great thumbnail.

If you’re looking to break into a niche and start creating content, it’s important to be heavily invested in that topic. Usually, stories will hit social media platforms like Reddit, Facebook, and Twitter before they make it to the mainstream news sources. This is true for a variety of niches on the internet. ..

When you’re creating videos for a niche audience, it’s important to be invested in what you’re doing. If you’re not, your videos won’t be as engaging and will likely fall short of the mark. You’ll need to be passionate about what you’re doing and the video creating process to make great videos for this audience.

To make your video stand out from the rest, you’ll need to learn how to edit quickly and have a good upload speed. This will help you to publish your video before anyone else.

If you want to make videos that will be successful on YouTube, it’s important to create content that is newsworthy and trending. If you’re not focused on topics that are currently in the news, it will be more difficult for your videos to gain traction. For example, if you focus on creating animated cartoons or fact-filled documentaries, you’ll need to be more creative about covering trending topics. The best way to do this is to truly live and breathe whatever it is you want to create on YouTube. ..

The 4,000 Watch Hour Strategy Summarized

  1. Get a good night’s sleep

  2. Drink plenty of fluids

  3. Eat a balanced diet

  4. Get enough exercise

  5. Avoid stress and anxiety

  6. heavily invest yourself in your niche;

  7. read everything online about it;

  8. as soon as you see a trending topic, create a video to cover it;

  9. be fast, focus on light editing, and publish as soon as possible;

  10. you’ll gather views and your next upload will be recommended to these viewers;

  11. the next step is crucial: Create the best content you possibly can;

  12. make it engaging, interesting, and create a good thumbnail;

  13. repeat this process every time a new trending topic emerges ..

This strategy is not always going to work, but it can be a successful way to break into any niche on YouTube. When it does work, it can be very beneficial and help you achieve your goals.

In the meantime, keep uploading content and using videos that are not getting many views yet to experiment on your content, practice editing, and get proficient at making thumbnail images. That way, when your time to shine comes, you’ll be ready to pounce on it before anybody else can.

YouTube is a powerful tool that can be used to spread information and connect with people all over the world. However, there are some dangers that come with using YouTube as a medium for communication. Here are five dangers of using YouTube as a communication tool:

  1. You can be deceived by videos that look like they are from a credible source.
  2. You can be misled by videos that promote products or services that you may not want to buy.
  3. You can be scammed by video marketers who promise you high-paying jobs or financial compensation in return for watching their videos.
  4. You could be influenced by videos that promote hate or violence, which could lead to negative consequences for yourself and others around you.