If you are experiencing the ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED error, there are a few simple steps that you can take to try and fix the issue. ..

What Causes This Error? 

Antivirus software can cause this error if it conflicts with Windows updates, or if the user has not configured it to automatically update. In some cases, the antivirus software may not be able to detect and remove all the malware. Windows Update can conflict with antivirus software, and if the user has not configured it to automatically update, then malware may remain undetected. ..

Before You Apply the Fixes

Make sure that your router, modem, and other devices on your local network are working properly before applying any fixes. ..

If you’re having trouble connecting to the internet on other devices, there’s a good chance that something is wrong with your router, modem, or hotspot device. ..

If your router is not working, you can try restarting it and see if that helps.


Change LAN Settings 

Step 2: On the General tab, click the “Use the following DNS server addresses” button. Step 3: Type and into the “Primary DNS server” and “Secondary DNS server” boxes, respectively, and hit OK. The easiest way to set up your computer to use Google’s public DNS servers is to go to the Windows Task Bar, in the search area, type “Internet Options” and hit enter. On the General tab, click the “Use the following DNS server addresses” button and type and into the “Primary DNS server” and “Secondary DNS server” boxes, respectively ..

The Connections tab is where you’ll find all of your social media accounts and any other connected accounts. You can see all of your friends, family, and other people you’ve connected with online as well as any shared content or events that have happened between you and them.

Step 3: In the LAN settings, you will find a list of options that will help you improve your network performance.

Step 4: Uncheck the option under Proxy server.

Step 5: Save the changes and your internet should now work fine. ..

Clear Your Browsing Data

To clean your browsing data on Chrome, follow these steps:

  1. Open Chrome and click on the three lines in the top right corner of the browser window.
  2. Click on “Settings” in the menu that pops up.
  3. In the “Settings” window, click on “History” at the bottom of the page.
  4. Under “History”, click on “Clear browsing data”.
  5. Click on “Clear browsing data” again to confirm that you want to clear all your browsing data. ..

Step 2: Click on the “Privacy” tab and click on the “Cookies” button. Step 3: Click on the “Accept cookies” button and enter your Google account information. Step 4: Click on the “Create a new cookie” button and name your new cookie “Google_Account”.

Clear browsing data will remove all the data that you have browsing on your device.

Step 3: Go to the Advanced tab and select the Time range as All time and then select the first four options. Finally, click on Clear data.

That’s it now, everything should be working fine and the ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED error should be gone.

Disable Your Antivirus 

If you use any antivirus software, it can cause this error. You can easily fix this by disabling your antivirus software.

There are different ways to disable antivirus software, depending on which one you use. You can simply search for it online.

Flush DNS 

To flush the DNS, you need to use the command prompt.

Step 2: Type “netstat -a” and hit enter. Step 3: Look for the port 443 in the list, and click on it. Step 4: In the new window that pops up, type “ping -c 1 www.google.com” and hit enter. Step 5: Look for the response in the text area, and you’ll see a number in parentheses next to it. That’s how many packets were sent from your computer to Google’s website over that particular port!

netstat -an netstat -p netstat -t netstat -u netstat -v

After every command, you will get a message to restart your computer but you can ignore them. Only after executing all the commands, you can restart your computer.

Delete the WLAN Profiles 

Whenever you connect to a new wireless network, a new WLAN profile is created for it. To fix the ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED error, you must delete those profiles. Here is how to do it:

  1. Open the Settings app on your device.
  2. Under Wireless & Networks, tap on Wi-Fi.
  3. Under the list of networks, tap on the one you just connected to.
  4. Tap on the three dots in the top right corner of the network’s name and select “Settings.”
  5. Under “General,” tap on “WLAN profiles.”
  6. Tap on each profile and select “Delete.” ..

Step 2: Type “net stop wuauserv” and press Enter. Step 3: Type “net start wuauserv” and press Enter. ..

netstat -an | find “LISTEN” The output of this command will list all the active TCP and UDP ports on your computer. To see which programs are using these ports, type the following command: netstat -an | find “LISTEN” | more ..

sudo airmon-ng start wlan0  sudo airmon-ng stop wlan0 sudo airmon-ng delete wlan0 ..

Delete all of your Facebook profiles one by one and then restart your computer. The issue should be resolved now. ..

Perform a Network Reset

To reset your network settings, follow these steps:

  1. From the home screen, tap Settings.
  2. Under Network & Internet, tap Reset Network Settings.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the reset. ..

Step 2: In the “Settings” window, click on the “Taskbar and Start Menu” tab. Step 3: Scroll down to the bottom of the window and click on the “Customize Taskbar and Start Menu” button. Step 4: In the “Customize Taskbar and Start Menu” window, click on the “Add New Item” button. Step 5: Type “Start” into the text field and hit enter. Step 6: Click on the “Add New Item” button again and type “Windows 7” into the text field. Step 7: Click on the “Add New Item” button again and type “Task Manager” into the text field. Step 8: Click on the “Add New Item” button again and type “Computer Management”.

Step 3: In the left pane, click on Networks & Internet. Step 4: In the right pane, click on your current network. Step 5: Click on the blue arrow to the right of your current network’s name to see its details.

If you are having trouble connecting to the internet, resetting your network settings may help. To reset your network settings, follow these steps:

  1. Under the Status tab, scroll down and click on Network reset.
  2. On the next screen, you will be asked to choose a network type. Select Wi-Fi from the list and click Next.
  3. On the next screen, you will be asked to enter your Wi-Fi password. Enter your password and click Next.
  4. On the next screen, you will be asked to confirm your network reset by clicking Yes. Click Finish to complete the process. ..

Step 4: Finally, click on Reset now. Complete the process and you’re done! ..


If you’re experiencing the ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED error, there are a few things you can do to try and fix it. These methods should help you out, but make sure that your router or the device providing your wireless connection is working properly. ..

If you are experiencing an ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID error when using Google Chrome, there are a few things that you can do to try and fix the issue. If you are having trouble connecting to your Android Auto, there are a few steps that you can take to try and resolve the problem. Finally, if you’re having trouble with your Windows 10 computer connecting privately, there are a few things that you can do to troubleshoot the issue. ..