Some users are reporting that they are getting the Discord update failed error, in which the Discord app doesn’t update and gets stuck in the update loop.

Discord update failed loop error is a problem that can occur when the update for Discord fails to install. This can cause the app to crash or freeze, and it can also prevent you from using it properly. If you experience this issue, you can try some of the methods I am going to show you in this article to fix it.

Fix Discord Update Failed Error 

Run Discord as Administrator

  1. Open the Discord app and sign in with your account.
  2. Click on the three lines in the top left corner of the app and select “Administrator.”
  3. In the next window, you will be asked to grant admin rights to your app. Granting this permission will allow you to do things like change settings, add users, and manage their permissions. If you have any questions or problems after granting admin rights, please reach out to us on our support team!

To join a Discord server, go to the Windows Task Bar and click on the Search tab. Type “Discord” and right-click on the app. Finally, select “Run as administrator” from the options. ..

Discord is now up and running, so you should be all good.

Rename Update.exe File

If you are experiencing an error when trying to update your computer, there is a chance that an old update executable file is causing the problem. You can easily resolve this by just renaming the Update.exe file. Here’s how: ..

Step 2: Locate the file “Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_8wekyb3d8bbwe” and delete it. Step 3: Open the Control Panel and navigate to the following path: “System and Security” Step 4: Click on “Windows Firewall with Advanced Security” and then click on “Allow an app or program through Windows Firewall”. Step 5: In the “Applies to” field, type “Cortana” and then click on the “Allow button”. ..

Inside the Local folder, open the AppData folder.

Inside the Discord folder, you’ll find a file called “config.json”. Open it and change the following line to your desired value: “server_name” : “localhost” Now you can start your Discord server by running the following command: cd discord && npm start

  1. Navigate to the folder where the game is installed.
  2. Right-click on the Update.exe file and select Rename.
  3. Enter a new name for the update file, such as “Update 1.”
  4. Click on Rename to finish. ..

UpdateX.exe is a program that helps you keep your computer running smoothly. It can help you fix problems with your computer, and it can also help you keep your data safe.

That’s it! Your computer is now up and running, but you may have noticed that your Discord chat was not working. If you have not updated your Discord since the last update, it is likely that the update failed. Try restarting your computer and updating your Discord if you have not done so already.

Turn Off Windows Defender 

Sometimes Windows Defender or any other third-party antivirus program blocks Discord updates. You can try disabling them temporarily and that should fix the issue. Here’s how to turn off your Windows Defender: ..

Step 2: In the resulting search results, click on the “Privacy” tab. Step 3: Under the “Data Collection and Use” heading, you’ll find a list of different ways that Microsoft collects data. Step 4: Click on the “Windows 10 privacy settings” link to change these settings.

Step 3: Click on the link to the security bulletin. Step 4: Click on the bulletin’s title.

Step 3: Here, click on Windows Security on the left and then click on Open Windows Security.

Under Virus & threat protection settings, click on Manage settings. On the Manage settings page, under Virus & threat protection settings, click on Virus & threat protection. Under Virus & threat protection, click on Protection settings. On the Protection settings page, under General security, click on Enable automatic updates. Under Updates from Microsoft Update, select Turn on automatic updates. ..

Step 5: Turn off real-time protection on your device.

Windows Defender is a program that is used to protect your computer from viruses and other malware. If you have it turned on, it will help to prevent any of the malware from spreading to your computer. If you don’t have Windows Defender turned on, it is important that you do so because it can help to protect your computer from potential damage.

Disable Any Third-Party Antivirus

If you are using any third-party antivirus, it’s likely that it’s causing the Discord update failed error on your PC. You can disable it and then try updating your Discord. ..

Different antiviruses have different methods of disabling. The most common and easy one is to just kill the antivirus process from the Task Manager. You can try it or you can also search on the internet about how to disable your antivirus.

Just make sure you have your antivirus software up and running again after you finish updating it.

Disable Your VPN

Some creators and streamers use VPNs to hide their physical location. Although, sometimes it is important if you are living in a country with a lot of restrictions or for safety. ..

When you update your Discord, make sure you disable your VPN. This will help keep your data safe and secure.

Reinstall Discord 

If you are experiencing the Discord update failed loop error, there is a final solution. You will need to uninstall and reinstall Discord all over again. ..

  1. Open the Start screen and type “cmd”
  2. Type " uninstaller " and hit enter
  3. The uninstaller will start and ask you to choose a program to uninstall. Choose “Windows Defender” and hit enter again
  4. The uninstaller will ask you to confirm the deletion of programs. Click on the “yes” button to delete all programs from your computer

Step 2: In the Task Manager, click on the “Processes” tab and then click on the “+” button. Step 3: Scroll down to the bottom of the list and click on the “Terminate” button. Step 4: Click on the “OK” button and then close Task Manager.

Step 2: Under the Discord tab, navigate and select the process you want to follow.

Step 3: Once you select Discord, click on the End task button. Do this for all of your Discord processes.

Step 5: In the Control Panel, click on the “System” tab. Step 6: In the System section, click on the “Advanced System Settings” button. Step 7: In the Advanced System Settings section, click on the “Privacy” tab. Step 8: In the Privacy section, click on the “Security” tab. Step 9: In the Security section, click on the “Firewall” button.

Step 6: Click on the Programs and Features tab. Step 7: Click on the Add/Remove Programs button. Step 8: Click on the program you want to uninstall.

Step 6: Uninstall Discord from your computer.

Remove the apps from your phone by following these steps:

  1. Open the Settings app and tap on the General tab.
  2. Scroll down and tap on the Remove All Apps button.
  3. Tap on the OK button to confirm your removal request.

In the Run dialog box, type “cmd” and hit enter.

Step 8: Type “%appdata%” and hit enter.

Step 9: Delete the Discord folder.

Step 11: In the new window that opens, type “” and hit enter. Step 12: The Finder will open and you’ll see a list of applications installed on your computer. The first application on the list is “”. Click on it to open the preferences for that application.

Step 12: Delete the Discord folder from your computer.

To restart your computer, press the “F8” key repeatedly until you reach the “Advanced Boot Options” screen. On the Advanced Boot Options screen, use the arrow keys to select “Reboot System Now.” ..

Discord is a chat app that you can download and use from scratch again. This should fix the issue for you.


This was all about how to fix the Discord update failed loop error. Follow all the steps correctly and you should be all good.

Discord is a great chat app for gamers that can be very helpful in fixing issues between friends. However, there are times when it can get frustrating because people will not listen to you or will not follow through on their agreements. Here are some tips to help you out:

  1. Be patient and be consistent with your communication. If someone is consistently not following through on their agreement, it can be difficult to work with them. Try to stay consistent in your communication so that everyone knows what they need to do and when they need to do it.
  2. Be clear about what you want and need from the other person. If someone is not following through on their agreement, it can be difficult to work with them because they may not understand what you are asking for or may not have the time or resources available to meet your needs. Make sure you are clear about what you want and need before starting any conversation or negotiation.
  3. Don’t take things too personally if someone does not follow through on an agreement. Sometimes people make mistakes and may have had other commitments at the time they made their agreement with you. Try to forgive them and move on from the situation as quickly as possible so that both of your schedules remain free!

If you are having trouble connecting to Discord, here are some tips to help you fix the issue. If Discord installation has failed, please check our troubleshooting guide for more information. If you are still having trouble connecting, please reach out to our support team for assistance.