LinkedIn has recently rolled out an algorithm that added structure to the endorsement process, making now the best time to learn how to endorse someone on LinkedIn and how to get endorsed yourself.

Why Endorsements on LinkedIn Matter

Endorsements can be a great way to show your support for someone else’s skills and knowledge. You can find someone’s skill on LinkedIn and endorse them for it. This can help other users see how well that person knows their topic and how valuable their endorsement is.

Endorsements can help you stand out from other candidates and make your resume more credible. They also show that people who know you and work with you think highly of your skills. ..

With this new feature, you can stay in touch with your connections without actively interacting with them. When you endorse someone on LinkedIn, at the very least you remind them about yourself. In most cases, people tend to return the favor and endorse you back.

How the New and Updated Skills & Endorsements Work

Linkedin has recently updated its Skills & Endorsements section to make it more efficient. ..

You can still choose any type of skill you want, from WordPress to Online Dating, and add up to 50 of those skills to your profile. However, the way people endorse you for your skills has changed. Now, people only endorsements you for your skills in the areas that they think are important to them.

LinkedIn is introducing a new feature called “endorsements.” When someone visits your profile and sees that you have endorsements for skills that are also applicable to them, it will help you stand out from the crowd. Not only will your friends and colleagues endorse you, but LinkedIn will also recommend endorsements from people who are knowledgeable about those skills. This way, you’ll be able to build a more comprehensive and accurate profile, which will make it easier for others to find the information they’re looking for. ..

How to Endorse Someone on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is using a new algorithm to suggest endorsements for skills you have in common with the person you are endorsing. When you open a user’s page, LinkedIn will prompt you to endorse them for a skill that you have in common. You can then either Skip or Endorse them. ..

I endorse this person for their skills and experience in the field of business.

How to Get Endorsed on LinkedIn

If you have the Skills section added to your profile, you can get endorsed on LinkedIn.

  1. Log in to LinkedIn.
  2. Click on the “Profile” tab at the top of the screen.
  3. Under “About Me,” click on “Add a Section.”
  4. In the “Section Title” field, type “My Professional Experience.”
  5. In the “Description” field, type a brief description of your professional experience. I have been working as a journalist for over five years now and have had the opportunity to cover a variety of stories from politics to crime to sports. I have also worked as an editor for my college newspaper and as an intern for a local news station. ..

You can now get endorsements from your connections and other users on LinkedIn. There’s no one strategy on how to get someone to endorse you. Normally, when you endorse someone they tend to endorse you back. Meaning that if you want to see more activity on your own Skills & Endorsements section, you should start by endorsing people for their skills themselves.

If you want LinkedIn to add an endorsement from someone you endorse to your profile, you must view the notification and accept it. ..

Are All Endorsements Good? 

LinkedIn has added a new feature to the Skills section of the site: the ability to remove unwanted skills and hide the people that endorsed you for them. ..

LinkedIn is a great platform for finding new opportunities and networking with people in your field. However, if you don’t have any skills that are relevant to your profile or resume, it’s not the best idea to list them. Your Skills & Endorsements section should back up the professional experience you list on your profile. So it’s best to avoid getting endorsed by random strangers for something they know nothing about.

How to Turn Off Endorsements

If you want to keep getting endorsements from people that you want to have recommendations from, you can turn off endorsements on LinkedIn.

Use Endorsements to Stand Out on LinkedIn

If you’re looking to improve your skills and get more out of LinkedIn, upgrading your skills and endorsements section is a great way to do it. By getting endorsed by your connections and other experts in your field, you’ll validate your professional experience and make you stand out among other specialists.

Do you endorse people on LinkedIn? We asked LinkedIn users what they think about endorsing others on the platform. Here are some of the responses: “I generally don’t endorse people, but I’ve had good experiences with some people who have.” -User A “I generally don’t endorse people, but I’ve had good experiences with some people who have.” -User B