If you disable SSID broadcast, it is true that the network name will not show up when someone searches for available networks using their standard wireless network adapter.

With the right software or technique, anyone can connect to your network as if it were a normal, public network.

SSID broadcasting is a feature on some routers that allows devices to connect to networks without having to enter the network’s name or password. This can be helpful if you want to connect your laptop to a network in a public place, for example. However, SSID broadcasting can also be problematic if you want to connect to a hidden network. Hidden networks are networks that are not listed in the router’s menu or on the internet. They can be private networks that you use at work, for example, or they can be networks that your friends use and you want to join them. If you want to join a hidden network, you need to know its name or address. Finally, in this section we’ll show you how to disable SSID broadcast on your router so that devices no longer try to connect automatically. ..

How a Router SSID Works

Most routers broadcast their SSID by default, which can make it easy for other people to connect to your wireless network without your permission. If you want to keep others from connecting to your wireless network, you can change the SSID on your router. ..

A standard wireless adapter and its associated software will list all available SSIDs for networks that are within range.

If someone disable SSID broadcast on any of those networks, the network will not be available to connect to.

If the router is adjusted so that the network shown above called Netgear61-5G no longer broadcasts its SSID, then anyone scanning for available networks will not see it.

This is a problem because if you disable SSID broadcast, the SSID name changes to NULL, which will not show up in any list of available networks.

The network is accessible, but the identifier is not broadcast. ..

If you want to stop someone else from using your Wi-Fi network, we recommend reading our guide on preventing someone else from using your network.

How People Can See Networks With Disabled SSID

The 802.11 standard for wireless networks requires routers to send out “management beacon packets” that provide basic information about the Wi-Fi network.

Anyone can get software that can see Wi-Fi networks that have no SSID, and also identify the SSID fairly easily. ..

The software can “see” those management packets and identifies available networks that way, rather than by SSID. It can also connect to the network by either attempting an initial connection to obtain SSID, or intercepting packets to and from other clients. When the disabled-SSID network responds to any requests, those responses include the network SSID name. ..

Wi-Fi encryption can help protect your packets from being intercepted by someone who is not authorized to see them.

NetSpot is a free software application that lets you see whether there are any nearby “hidden” networks.

You can’t see networks that aren’t broadcasting their SSID in the list that comes up when you launch the app. Those are identified with Hidden SSID listed under the SSID field.

WifiInfoView is a tool that allows you to view hidden networks and connect to them.

When you launch WiFiInfoView, you’ll see a list of networks. You can even right click on the hidden networks and connect to them.

If you don’t know the network password, you will not be able to connect to the network.

There are a number of software applications that allow users to view Wi-Fi networks where the SSID is not being broadcast. These applications include: Wi-Fi networks with hidden SSIDs can be difficult to find, and some users may not know about them. These applications can help users find these networks. ..

WiFi security is a big concern for many people. Acrylic WiFi (Paid)Aircrack-NGKismetCommview for Wifi can help you keep your WiFi secure. It allows you to view the network traffic and security settings of nearby WiFi networks. This can help you protect your data and privacy. ..

How To Disable SSID Broadcast On Your Router

If you want to disable SSID broadcast on your router, it is simple to do. First, you will need to connect to your router using the admin password. After that, you will need to disable SSID broadcast. ..

To get your network’s router IP address, open a Windows command prompt and type the command ipconfig/all and press Enter. If you want to view your router’s current IP address, open a Windows command prompt and type the command ipconfig/all and press Enter. If you want to set your router’s IP address, open a Windows command prompt and type the following commands: ipconfig/setrouteraddresses ipconfig/setrouterstate ..

The Default Gateway IP for the device is

If you’re having trouble logging in, try this IP address ( instead:

If you’ve never changed your admin password, then it’s the default admin password that you can find on your router. ..

WiFi security is important, especially if you use your WiFi at home or office. In order to protect your WiFi network, you should change your WiFi password.

Netgear Genie

To change the SSID broadcast setting on your router, you’ll need to find the Wireless menu and select it.

Netgear Genie lets you disable SSID broadcast on a 2.4GHz or 5GHz network.

Apply at the top of the page for the changes to take effect.

This setting allows you to turn on the router’s SSID broadcast feature, which will allow other routers on the network to see your device’s network name and password.

Disable SSID Broadcast Other Routers

To change your router’s DNS settings, follow the procedure below for the router that matches yours. ..

Linksys: Select Wireless and Basic Wireless Settings from the menus. Set SSID Broadcast to Disabled. You’ll need to do this for both 2.4GHz and 5 GHz.D-Link: Select Setup and Wireless Settings from the menus. Then select Manual Wireless Network Setup and set Visibility Status to Invisible. Alternatively, you can select Enable Hidden Wireless. Select Save Settings to enable changes. (On older D-Link Routers, you’ll need to disable the Wireless Radio button under the Wireless menu.)Belkin: Select Wireless in the left menu and then select Channel and SSID. Deselect the checkbox next to Broadcast SSID

If you’re not sure how to fix a router issue, check your router’s manual. You may be able to find and download it from the manufacturer’s website.