Discord is a messaging service that stores your conversation history in the cloud. To locally store logs on AIM or MSN, you’d need some sort of a third-party plugin. On Skype, text logs are now kept in the cloud for just 30 days.

Discord is able to store billions of messages in a blog post, and it seems like this policy won’t be changing any time soon. However, Discord also offers no way for users to mass delete their DM history on Discord. This means that if you want to forget a conversation that happened on Discord, you’ll have to wait until the next blog post is released and then delete the messages manually.

One option is to delete the messages, but that can be difficult and time-consuming. Another option is to archive them, but that also requires effort and time. A third option is to store them in a database, but that also has its own set of risks and challenges. Ultimately, the best solution for any situation is to decide what you want your message board to be: a place where people can share their thoughts and ideas, or a place where they can keep track of who’s talking to them and what they’re saying.

Deleting Discord DM History on Discord With Hotkeys

Deleting a Discord message is simple - just type “del” in the chat box and hit “delete.”

To replicate the mouse-based keyboard shortcut sequence, you will need to know the order of keyboard commands.

  1. The first step is to create a list of all the tasks you need to complete in order to launch your new business.
  2. Next, you need to figure out how much time you will need to complete these tasks and plan accordingly.
  3. Finally, make a timeline of when each task should be completed in order for your business to be successful. ..

The deletion process for WhatsApp is simple and efficient. You get into a rhythm and delete each message quickly. It requires less of a steady hand than constantly moving your cursor to different areas of the screen to click multiple different buttons.

Deleting Discord DM History With AutoHotkey

Now that we know that DMs can be deleted without using the mouse, that opens up the possibility of automating the process with a simple AutoHotkey script. ..

AutoHotkey is a powerful and free tool that can be used to automate tasks on your computer. However, it is only available to Windows users.

  1. It should be easy to use.
  2. It should be able to automate tasks you perform frequently.
  3. It should be able to work with a variety of applications and platforms. If you’re looking for a script that meets all three of these criteria, then AutoHotkey may be the right tool for you! ..

The president of the United States, Donald Trump, is in the middle of a heated argument with his secretary of state, Rex Tillerson. The two are exchanging heated words and Trump is trying to get Tillerson to back down. Tillerson doesn’t want to back down and starts to argue with Trump. Trump gets angry and starts to shout at Tillerson. The two start to argue and eventually end up fighting.

This code will toggle the user’s screen between the two windows. If the user doesn’t have “ahk_exe discord.exe” in their path, it will activate the first window and then wait 100 milliseconds before activating the second window. If the user has “ahk_exe discord.exe” in their path, it will activate both windows and send input to each one for 100 milliseconds before terminating.

This script uses the F1 key as a toggle to enable or disable message deletion. If you are already in an active DM window, this script will work. The pauses (Sleep) between each keypress are so that machines with less processing power don’t get ahead of themselves and skip a key. If you find that this script runs but is behaving strangely, try increasing the value of each Sleep at increments of 50. ..

discord.gg/vX3K4N discord.gg/2LZFtb

If you want to select your previous messages, you will need to press the Up key to select your previous messages. However, improvements to the script may be possible that allow a workaround for this.

Deleting Discord DM History With Bots

If you want to delete your Discord history, you can do so by following these steps:

  1. Log into your Discord account and click on the three lines in the top left corner of the screen. This will take you to your settings.
  2. Scroll down and click on the “History” tab.
  3. Under “History Type,” select “Deleting.”
  4. Click on the “Delete” button and confirm by clicking on the blue checkmark next to it.

Discord, a popular chat app with over 100 million users, has been cracking down on the use of self-bots in recent years. Originally, Discord discouraged the use of self-bots as a way to save on bandwidth and server resources. However, Discord has now labeled the use of self-bots as a violation of its terms of service. This change could potentially impact the way users communicate and collaborate on projects. ..

Discord is a chat platform where users can communicate with each other. However, using self-bots puts your account at risk of termination, so we cannot suggest doing it. However, many users report that using self-bots for purposes that aren’t public, disruptive, or harmful has never led to reprimand from Discord. Make a decision at your own discretion.

A self-bot is a user account that runs on a Discord API token. This allows self-bots to circumvent Discord’s Developer Portal and make API requests, which can automate a wide range of tasks. Deleting messages is one of the tasks that self-bots can perform.

Discord is a chat platform that allows users to communicate with each other. The Discord API currently supports a POST request that fires a Message Delete Bulk gateway event, allowing bots to quickly delete all messages that are less than two weeks old. Older messages can be queued and deleted individually (at a rate limit). This change will make it easier for bots to delete older messages from the platform, as well as making it easier for users to keep track of their conversations.

Discord is storing our messages indefinitely. It’s up to us to find solutions to delete them all and keep our privacy. The three options we have right now are not ideal, but they’re the best we have until Discord offers a better solution. ..