After 10 minutes, you can’t “un-send” your message anymore. You can, however, delete the message from your own message history. Even if the other person can see the message on their end, you can at least spare your own dignity by a small degree. ..

How to Unsend a Facebook Message On Mobile

Facebook allows users to “unsend” a message, provided they do so within 10 minutes of sending the original message. This feature doesn’t just delete the message on your end, but instead makes it as though you never sent the message to begin with.

If you send a message and it doesn’t show up as sent, it’s probably because someone else has already sent it before you. To fix this, just hit the “You unsent a message” indicator and type in your message again. ..

If you send a message that is reported as inappropriate or harassing, Facebook still has access to the original message. ..

How to Unsend a Facebook Message in Your Browser

If you use Facebook Messenger through your web browser to send the message, you can still unsend the message in much the same way as if you had sent it through Facebook’s traditional app.

If you send a message and it’s not delivered, you can try to resend it or remove the message from their end. ..

This can be a helpful way of sending a message to someone you haven’t talked to in a while. However, if it’s a message meant for someone you’ve never before spoken to, they might wonder what was in the message you didn’t send.

How to Unsend a Facebook Message on the Desktop App

The desktop app makes it easy to unsend messages. ..

If you remove the message within 10 minutes, it will be removed from Facebook Messenger for all versions.

How to Delete a Facebook Conversation on Mobile

If you want to hide a conversation from view, you can either delete it or hide it. Deleting it will remove it from your screen entirely, while hiding it will keep it hidden but still accessible in the chat history. This is helpful if you’ve blocked someone and don’t want to see any previous correspondence with them. ..

There is an option to archive a conversation, but it doesn’t remove it. This option only hides it from view. You can still access the conversation by searching for it. If you want to remove all traces of a conversation, use the built-in delete function.

How to Delete a Facebook Conversation in Your Browser

To delete a Facebook conversation, open the Facebook app on your phone or computer and select the conversation you want to delete. Then, click the three lines in the top right corner of the screen that say “Deleting Conversation.”

This will permanently delete the conversation from your Facebook Messenger.

How to Delete a Facebook Conversation on Desktop

You can delete messages through the desktop app for Facebook Messenger. ..

This option deletes the conversation from your account permanently.

If you want to end a Facebook message with someone, you can do so quickly by unsending it. However, if you don’t react quickly enough, you can still delete the conversation on your end. This might not be as effective as having the conversation in person, but it will at least be private.