With playlists, you can easily access all of your favorite music and videos without having to search through a pile of songs and videos. Simply click on a list and open it, so you can have all your favorite items right in front of your eyes.

To create a playlist on various video and music platforms, follow these steps:

  1. On your computer, open the website where you want to create the playlist.
  2. Click on the “Add New Playlist” button.
  3. In the “Name” field, type a name for your playlist.
  4. In the “Description” field, type a brief description of your playlist.
  5. In the “Type” field, select one of the following options: Music Videos: Select this option to add music videos to your playlist. You can search for specific music videos or browse by artist or album. Music Albums: Select this option to add music albums to your playlist. You can search for specific albums or browse by artist or album.
  6. In the “Upload Files” field, select which files you want to include in your playlist (music videos or music albums).
  7. Click on the “Create Playlist” button to create your new playlist! ..

Create Playlists On YouTube

To create a new playlist on YouTube:

  1. Open YouTube and sign in.
  2. Click on the three lines in the top left corner of the main screen (the one with the green arrow).
  3. Type “playlists” into the text field and click on the “create playlist” button.
  4. Enter a name for your new playlist and click on the “add to playlist” button.

To add a video to a playlist on YouTube, head to the video page and find the option to Add to at the bottom of the video. Click on the option and you’ll be able to choose an existing playlist or create a new one. ..

If you don’t already have a playlist, you can create one by clicking on the Create new playlist button at the bottom of the menu. Enter a name for the playlist, select its visibility status, and finally click on Create. ..

A playlist with your chosen name will be created and your chosen video will be added to it. ..

Create Playlists On Vimeo

This change was made to make Vimeo more consistent with other streaming services, like Netflix and Hulu.

YouTube Playlists and Vimeo Showcases offer similar privacy features, but YouTube Playlists are more organized and easier to use.

To add a video to a playlist on Vimeo, hover your mouse over the video and click on the Add to collections option. ..

To add a video to a showcase, click on the + (plus) sign next to Showcases on the following screen. Enter a name for your Showcase and hit Add. A new Showcase (playlist) will be created and the selected video will be added to it. ..

You can find all of your Vimeo Showcases in the Profile > Collections menu on the website.

Create Playlists On Dailymotion

Dailymotion is a video sharing website that lets users create playlists of videos. Just find the video you want to add to a playlist, click on an icon, and you are all set. ..

Dailymotion lets you add videos to playlists by clicking on the last icon on the right-hand side pane. ..

You can add videos to playlists by selecting them and clicking the “add to playlist” button. ..

Create Playlists On Metacafe

Metacafe is a video sharing website with an interface similar to YouTube and Dailymotion. The procedure to create a playlist is mostly the same as the other two platforms. ..

Metacafe, play a video and click on the Add button beneath the video. Now either select an existing playlist, or create a new playlist by clicking on Add to New Playlist.

Your video will be added to your playlist.

Create Playlists On Spotify

Spotify makes it easy to create playlists, which is a huge advantage over other platforms.

To add a song to a playlist on Spotify, you can either play the song on the web version and click on the three-dots next to the song name, or you can add it to a playlist by clicking on the Add to playlist button. ..

Adding a song to an existing playlist is the easy way to add it to your playlist.

Create Playlists On Apple Music

Apple Music still doesn’t offer a web version so you’ll need to use the iTunes app on your computer to create a playlist.

Launch the app on your computer and access the Apple Music section inside. Find the music track you want to add to a playlist. Click on the three-dots next to the track name and select Add to Playlist. Either create a new playlist or add the track to an existing one. ..

Your music library will now include the tracks you’ve chosen. ..

Create Playlists On Google Play Music

The web version of Google Play Music is a great way to keep your music collection organized and easy to access. There are only a handful of options to play with, so it is easy to create a playlist for your favorite music tracks.

Google Play Music is a music streaming service that you can use on your computer or phone. You can choose to have it installed on your computer or on your phone. You can also add songs to your playlist.

You can add the song to a playlist or create a new playlist for your songs.

Create Playlists On SoundCloud

SoundCloud is a website where you can create and manage your playlists. It is easy to create and manage your playlists on SoundCloud.

To add a music track to your playlist on SoundCloud, first log into your account and choose the music track you’d like to add. Once you’re on the music track’s individual page, click on the button that says “More” and select “Add to playlist.” ..

The app will ask if you want to add the song to an existing playlist or create a new one. Choose your preferred option and you’re all set.


Playlists make it easy to find and play all the music and videos you love on various platforms. You can create as many or as few playlists as you want, and they’ll automatically play for you when you want them to. ..