Idea pins are pins that have a specific, unique message or idea. They can be used to drive traffic to a website or brand, and can be very creative and interesting. To create an idea pin, follow these steps:

  1. Choose a topic or message you want your pin to communicate. This could be something like “How to make the perfect cup of coffee” or “The best way to save money on groceries.”
  2. Write out your message in clear, concise language. This will help users understand what you’re trying to say and make the pin more accessible for them.
  3. Add a photo of your topic or idea on your pin! This will help people see what you’re talking about and get inspired by it!

What Is an Idea Pin on Pinterest?

The new feature, called “Idea Pins,” is geared towards influencers, bloggers, and brands to use for social media marketing. You need a business account to use the new feature. ..

Pinterest has introduced a new feature that allows users to create pins with videos. This feature works similarly to TikTok’s video creation, where you can take video, add effects, text, and more. You can record or add up to 60 seconds of footage on one page of an idea pin, and up to 20 pages total. ..

  1. Log in to your account and create a new account if you don’t have one already.
  2. Click on the “Create a new idea” button on the top left of your screen.
  3. Enter a title for your idea pin and provide more information about it, such as what type of content it will be (blog, article, video, etc.).
  4. Click on the “Create” button to start creating your idea pin!

How to Create an Idea Pin

You can start a Pinterest business account by going to the settings on your profile and tapping on Convert to business account.

  1. Log in to your business account and create a new idea pin.
  2. Type in the name of your business and the type of business you are in (e.g., restaurant, store, etc.).
  3. Click on the “Create pin” button.
  4. Enter your contact information (name, email, phone number) and click on the “Create pin” button again.

To find your new idea pin, you’ll need to tap on your profile and look under the Created tab. Your new idea will appear at the top there.

Tips for Creating an Idea Pin

Some helpful tools for making your pins even better include:

  • pinning a picture of the idea on the front of your pinboard
  • using a featured image as the background for your pins
  • adding text or other content to your pins
  • using hashtags or other social media icons to help you connect with others who share similar ideas

Use Ghost Mode

This easy way to line up new takes when recording video makes it easy to keep track of your footage and ensure good continuity.

This new feature will allow you to see the ending shot in your last clip superimposed over your camera. From there, you can line up the subjects of your video to keep it looking professional. ..

Use the Timer

To use the timer for hands-off video recording, tap on the timer icon to the right in the recording screen and select how long you want it to count down for. Then, when you tap on the record button, the timer will begin so you can take your hands off and get in place for recording.

Save Drafts

To save your idea pin for later, on the pages screen, tap on the X in the top left corner. Pinterest will prompt you to save your idea pin as a draft by tapping Store. You can access these drafts the next time you go to create an idea pin, and tap on the file icon in the bottom right. ..

Another way to save your drafts is by tapping on the file icon in the bottom left of your screen. This will take you to a screen where you can save your idea as a draft.

Using Stickers

Stickers can be a great way to add extra information to a page or product. To find stickers, go to the editing screen and tap on Stickers in the bottom right. From there, you can browse stickers by category or search for specific ones you want to use.

Create Voice-Overs

When you tap on the Audio icon, you’ll be taken to the editing screen for that page. Here, you can choose how to create your voiceover. You can either use a microphone to record your voice, or use a computer mic to record your voice.

To begin voiceover on this page, tap the record button in the bottom middle of the screen. Then, tap on the voice-over you would like to start from. You can change the volume of different types of audio added to the page by tapping the sliders icon in the bottom right.

Grow Your Account With Idea Pins

Pinterest is a social networking site where users can post pictures and ideas for others to see. The site has become very popular for people who like to make things. There are many tools that can be used on Pinterest to help with this, such as idea pins. Idea pins are pieces of art that are put up on the site. They can be about anything, but the most popular idea pins are about fashion or beauty. When someone clicks on an idea pin, they will be taken to a page where they can see all of the different ideas that have been put up by other users. There are also tools in the page that allow you to add your own ideas to the mix. This is a great way for you to get more followers and engagement on your profile.

Do you like the idea of having a pin feature on Pinterest? Let us know in the comments!