Xbox One lets you access all the streaming services that you love on your computer. You can watch Netflix, Hulu, and Crunchyroll on your Xbox One, and listen to music and watch YouTube on your Xbox One. All you need is to download the apps to your machine and navigate to them with your controller.

With these new smart assistants, you can do more things than ever before. You can control your Xbox, start apps, and more. These assistants are in beta so there are still some bugs to be worked out, but early results are promising.

To connect your Xbox One to your smart assistant, you will need to first create an account on the Xbox One website. Once you have created an account, you will be able to find the “Settings” section in the top left corner of the screen. In this section, you will need to click on “Connection Settings” and then select “Xbox One” from the list of devices. After selecting Xbox One, you will need to enter your desired information such as your name and email address. You can also choose to have your assistant remember these details for future connections. After entering all of your information, you will need to click on “Create Connection” and then wait for the connection process to finish. Once it has finished, you can access your new Xbox One connection in the “Settings” section of your new device.

How To Connect & Control Xbox One With Alexa

We found that the Echo is easy to connect with the Xbox One, and that it responds quickly to voice commands.

To control your Xbox One, you’ll start by saying “Alexa, tell Xbox to…” and then follow your command. You can also say “ask Xbox.” Alexa gives you the ability to start and stop video, turn the volume up and down, launch apps and games, and much more. If you aren’t sure what else you can do, you can even ask Alexa herself with “Alexa, ask Xbox what I can say.”

The Xbox One’s default name is Xbox, but you can change that name to something like Living Room Xbox or Bedroom Xbox if you want more specificity. This is even more important if you have more than one Xbox One that you want to use Alexa with.

The coolest part about using your Xbox and not having any other devices paired with Alexa is that you can just say “Alexa, play or Alexa, launch Hulu.”

How To Connect & Control Xbox One With Google Home

Google’s Assistant/Home and Xbox One are still new to one another. There are still some kinks to work out, so you might run into trouble setting up this functionality, but it does work. ..

We found that Google Home gave a warning that it could not pair with the Xbox One, but the console appeared in the linked devices list and could be controlled via Google Assistant. ..

Microsoft plans to release a beta version of this feature in English, but the full version will be available in other languages later in the year.

Google Assistant can do many things that Alexa can do on the Xbox, such as pause the game, take a screenshot, and play a video.

How To Connect & Control Xbox One With Cortana

Xbox One users can use Cortana to control the console mid-game, by using a headset or the Cortana app. However, they can also use it to control the Xbox One through their Android or iOS devices.

How To Enable Cortana On The Console

If you want to use the built-in Cortana function on your device, go to Settings > All Settings > System > Cortana Settings. You will be prompted to enable the assistant. Agree to the terms of service and you’re good to go. Just say Hey Cortana to activate her.

Cortana is a voice assistant that is only available in certain regions and more features are supported in the United States than in other countries. The full functionality may expand to other countries, but this has not yet been confirmed.

How To Use Cortana Through a Mobile Device

Xbox One users can use Cortana to control the console using a mobile device. This allows users to avoid having to plug in a microphone or headset all the time.

If you want to use Cortana for your Halo needs, you’ll need to do a few things first. First, open the Cortana app on your phone and sign in. Then, go to the “Halo” section of the app and select “Start Playing.” From here, you can access all of the same features as with the other assistants, like setting reminders and tracking your progress. However, Cortana might be the best option for hardcore Halo fans - her name is synonymous with the game! ..