A website’s password security is important because if the server that stores your login credentials gets hacked, you may be out of luck.

A recent study by the online security firm McAfee found that more than half of all websites that offer a password manager feature are currently being used to store passwords. This is in addition to the fact that more than one-third of users say they have never used a password manager in the past. This trend is likely to continue as people become more comfortable with using online tools to keep their personal information safe.

The most unfortunate part of this is that these dumps are often due to websites being hacked, not users. This feels incredibly unfair for those of us who are suffering the consequences.

There is no way to change the fact that databases are vulnerable to breaches and that our data isn’t sacred, so we must learn to do the next best thing: constantly monitor for our passwords being leaked to the Internet.

  1. SplashData This website provides a comprehensive list of all the passwords that have been leaked online, as well as a breakdown of how often each one has been used. It also offers tips on how to protect yourself from being hacked.
  2. 2password This website is designed to help you protect your password with two-factor authentication, which is a security measure that requires you to use two different passwords instead of just one. It also offers a guide on how to create and use strong passwords.
  3. LastPass LastPass is another great website that provides password protection for both your computer and your phone. It offers multiple layers of security, including two-factor authentication and anti-virus protection.

Have I Been Pwned

The word “pwn” is a form of leetspeak derived from “own,” a term people often used in internet culture—usually by gamers—to describe defeating someone in some way. It has been used to describe various feats, including winning a game or beating someone online. The word has also been used to describe the act of taking control of an opponent and achieving victory.

Have I Been Pwned is a website that allows users to check if they have been pwned in the past.

Your passwords are safe, but you should be careful about what you share them with others.

Have I Been Pwned will show you a list of all of the websites and pastes your passwords have been found on.

I was recently pwned by a hacker, and I wanted to know if I had been pwned as well. This section on their site called “Pwned Passwords” will let you know if your password is already floating around in dumps across the Internet.

This article is about how Have I Been Pwned can help you protect your online identity and security.

Credit Karma

Credit Karma is a leading credit monitoring service that has a reputation for being able to monitor your credit. However, did you know that they also have data monitoring features? This includes password breaches.

Credit Karma is one of the few sites that will show you a censored version of the password leaked on each site listed. All you have to do is log in, go to their Identity Monitoring page, and click View details under the Data Breach Monitoring table. ..

The only downside to this service is that you have to create a Credit Karma account in order to see the results. However, this is a minor inconvenience, as it’s possible that other password dump monitors allow users to search for any email address. This could lead to some nefarious activity. ..

Credit Karma is a great way to keep track of your passwords. Use it to avoid forgetting any important ones.


DeHashed is an interesting password dump monitor that allows you to not only search by email but also by username, address, and more. After, clicking the Search button, you will see your results. ..

When searching for passwords on DeHashed, you will be able to see the sites where your password has been leaked. However, you will not be able to view the dump or see the specific password without registering and paying. Nonetheless, just seeing the results offers a lot of information that you can use to protect yourself. ..

DeHashed is a tool that can help you find passwords that have been leaked and credit Karma weren’t able to pick up on. Although it has some features less than the other two, it may still be helpful to see what DeHashed has to offer. It may save you a few of your passwords.

This is a problem. We know it’s a problem. The Collection #1 credential dump released last month shows just how much data is out there and how vulnerable we are to it. But we can’t just sit here and take this lying down. We have to do something about it. Every week, the data dump from Collection #1 comes out with more and more records. It’s a powerless feeling to know that we can’t stop this from happening, but we have to stay informed and ready to take action when it does. But creating strong passwords for each site you sign up for helps, too. So we need to do something about this!

With Have I Been Pwned, Credit Karma, and DeHashed, make sure you check your email and passwords on a monthly basis. You’ll be able to jump on leaks as soon as they pop up, and you might be surprised at what you find!