If you’re using Windows 10 or Windows 11, this article will show you how to change desktop icon spacing either by tweaking the system registry or by relying on third-party desktop customization software.

Important: Make a Backup of the System Registry

Windows 11 and Windows 10 both include a default desktop icon spacing of 8px. However, if you change this spacing to something else, such as 10px, your icons will be too close together and may not look as good on your screen. To fix this issue, you need to back up your registry before editing it.

Windows registry is a vital part of your computer and can be damaged if not properly backed up and restored. This guide will provide comprehensive step-by-step instructions on how to back up and restore the Windows registry.

Modify the Registry to Change Desktop Icon Spacing

The two registry entries that you need to modify are the Desktop Spacing and Screen Size. The Desktop Spacing setting affects how much space is given to the left and right sides of the desktop, while the Screen Size setting affects how large the screen is in relation to other windows on the desktop. To change the Desktop Spacing value in Windows 11 and 10:

  1. Open Registry Editor and navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System.

  2. Under “Desktop Spacing” tab, add a new key called “Horizontal Space” (H) and set its value to “10”.

  3. Under “Vertical Space” tab, add a new key called “Width” (W) and set its value to “1024”.

  4. Save your changes and close Registry Editor.

  5. Type “cmd” and press Enter.

  6. At the command prompt, type “netstat -an” and press Enter.

  7. At the command prompt, type “netstat -ano” and press Enter.

  8. The first number in the output of netstat -an is your network connection speed in kilobytes per second (KBps). The second number is your network connection bandwidth in megabytes per second (MBps). ..

  9. Open the Windows Registry by typing regedit in the Start menu search box and pressing Enter.

  10. In the Registry, navigate to the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management

  11. In this key, you’ll see a value called MaximumAllocationSize. Change this value to 1048576 (10 megabytes). This will limit how much memory Windows can use at any one time. ..

To open the Registry Editor, you can either type regedit in the Start menu search box, or click on the regedit icon located in the System32 folder. Once you have opened the Registry Editor, you will see a list of folders and files. To open a specific registry key, double-click on its name or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F. To make changes to a registry key, first locate it on the list by clicking on its name or using Ctrl+F. Next, select the key that you want to modify from the drop-down menu that appears below the list of keys. Finally, make your changes by clicking on the appropriate button or using keyboard shortcuts. The Registry Editor is a valuable tool for managing your computer’s settings and customizing its performance. By understanding how it works and using its various features, you can optimize your computer for optimum performance. ..

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics ..

Registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon Registry value: “DesktopIconSpacing” The registry entry “DesktopIconSpacing” will impact the default desktop icon spacing to the right of the window.

The icon spacing can be adjusted horizontally and vertically. ..

The default value for both entries is –1125. However, the range can be between –480 to –2730.

-The spacing between words decreases as the value of the word increases. -For example, a word with a value of 2 would have a space between each letter, while a word with a value of -2 would have two spaces between each letter. ..

Make changes to one or both keys and select OK to save your changes.

After modifying the IconSpacing registry entry with a value of -2000, the horizontal desktop icon spacing appears to be decreased. ..

The Trump administration is trying to change the way the government communicates with the American people. One of their proposals is to change how icons are used in government communications. They want to make it so that all government messages are in one big, unified iconography. This would make it easier for people to understand what was happening, and it would make it easier for them to find information about government policies.

The screenshot below shows the vertical desktop icon spacing with the IconVerticalSpacing set to -2000. This setting causes the icons to be spaced evenly across the screen, making it easier to see what’s onscreen.

Windows 11 users: To update the Windows 11 desktop with the changes, sign out and back into your user account or restart your computer. Windows 10 users: To update the Windows 10 desktop with the changes, sign out and back into your user account or restart your computer.

If you want to revert the changes, you can open the Registry Editor and set the key values to -1125.

Use Third-Party Desktop Customization Software

Desktop Icon Spacing and DesktopOK can help you change the default desktop icon spacing in Windows 11 and Windows 10.

Desktop Icon Spacing

Desktop Icon Spacing is a lightweight and easy-to-use tool that enables you to change the default desktop icon spacing on Windows. This can help you to have more control over the appearance of your desktop and make it more organized.

After downloading the app, just run the executable file and use the sliders next to Horizontal and Vertical to modify the icon spacing as needed. Then, check the boxes next to All data saved and All other windows closed and select Apply. That prompts File Explorer to restart automatically, and your changes shall reflect right away.

If you want to roll them back, open the Advanced menu and select Set Default. If you want to keep your current settings, select OK.


DesktopOK is a desktop customization app that lets you change the default icon spacing, as well as offer a slew of other options, such as adjusting icon sizes, fonts, saving icon layouts by screen resolution, and more. ..

The Windows Metrics window will open. On the left side of the window, you’ll see a list of all the programs that are running on your computer. On the right side of the window, you’ll see a list of all the metrics that DesktopOK is tracking. The metrics in this list include CPU utilization, memory usage, and network activity.

The Windows Metrics window lets you change the icon spacing on your computer. To make the changes, use the sliders next to Horizontal and Vertical Spacing. If you don’t see the changes you need, select Restart Explorer to force-restart File Explorer.

The Default button next to the two sliders lets you switch back to the default spacing.

Set Your Preferred Desktop Icon Spacing Easily

In Windows 11 and 10, the way to set the desktop spacing is just like in previous versions of the operating system. However, if you want to play it safe and use one of the two apps above instead, be sure to back up your registry before making any changes.

  1. Open the System Preferences app and click on the Icon Options tab.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom and select “Use custom icons.”
  3. Click on the “Create new icon” button and enter a name for your new icon.
  4. Click on the “Create” button and your new icon will be created in your desktop.