LinkedIn’s skill assessments allow you to showcase proof of your skill knowledge. In this article, we’ll explain what these assessments are, as well as how to take them and use them in your profile.

What Are LinkedIn Skill Assessments?

If you want to stand out from the rest on your LinkedIn profile, list some of your soft skills first. These skills are easy to measure and can make you a better employee. Listing hard skills second will help you stand out from other professionals and show that you have the ability to do things that others can’t.

If you have some skills, other people can also give you endorsements on them.

If you want to showcase your technical skill knowledge on LinkedIn, there is a skill assessments feature you can take that will ask you questions about these programs. If you work in computer science-related fields, there are many assessments available such as CSS, Java & Javascript, Python, HTML, Linux, machine learning and more. ..

To participate in the quiz, you must first create an account. Once you have created your account, you will be able to access the quiz. The quiz is free to take, and there are no limits on how many times you can take it. There are a total of 45 badges that can be earned from taking the quiz. The first 30% of people who score in the top 30% on the quiz will earn a badge. There are a total of 15 badges that can be earned from taking the quiz. ..

If you don’t pass the skill assessment, don’t worry; you’ll be able to retake any skill assessment once more. This can be an excellent opportunity to brush up on your knowledge. Your specific results also won’t be shown to anyone else. ..

How to Take LinkedIn Skill Assessments

  1. Log in to LinkedIn and click on the “Profile” button on the top left of the screen.
  2. Click on the “Skill Assessment” link under “Profile Settings.”
  3. Enter your name and email address in the “Name” field and click on the “Submit” button.
  4. Your results will appear in your LinkedIn profile within a few minutes.

If you don’t pass the Linkedin assessments, you don’t need to share your results. Below, we’ll outline what you should do in each case to best boost your LinkedIn profile.

What to Do If You Don’t Pass 

If you don’t score in the top 30%, LinkedIn will let you know that they’ve unlocked Linkedin Learning courses for you relating to that specific skill. These can be good ways to brush up on your knowledge and will be available for 24 hours after starting them. However, you may also want to take to YouTube or do some practice on your own in your specific skill.

Once you feel like you have a better handle on LinkedIn, you can go to the Skill Assessments page and see how well your skills match the needs of companies.

It’s best to wait until you’re sure you have a good handle of knowledge on your skill to retake the quiz. Also, if you aren’t sure of an answer to a question, the best and fastest method to guess a correct answer is to use the process of elimination.

What to Do If You Pass

If you scored in the top 30%, congratulations! You’ll earn yourself a skill badge on LinkedIn. To show it off, turn on the badge switch next to the text that reads “Show your badge on your profile and in recruiter searches”. This way, your profile and especially the Skills section will look much more impressive.

If you have passed a skill assessment, your LinkedIn profile will be more likely to show up in recruiters’ searches. ..

If you scroll to the bottom of the page, you can select the Post Results button to create a post showing that you earned a badge in this skill. You don’t need to do this, as the badge will be displayed on your profile regardless. However, if you want your results to be prominent, it can’t hurt to post about it. ..

Make a Good Impression With LinkedIn Skill Assessments

Taking quizzes can help you prove your proficiency in skills, and even if you fail, they won’t hurt your profile. ..

Do you find LinkedIn skill assessments helpful in your job search? Let us know in the comments.