There are a few things you can do to improve your WiFi connection on an Android device. One is to make sure you have an adequate signal strength. Another is to change your router or modem. And lastly, you can try using a WiFi password.

Home Users

If your home WiFi is struggling to connect, you may be using the wrong frequency or channel. Try changing your router’s frequency and channel to see if that helps.

Frequency & Channels

To improve your WiFi signal, you’ll need to upgrade to a newer router that operates on a different frequency band. ..

If your router is marketed as dual-band, it supports the 5 GHz frequency band. Switching to 5 GHz might improve your WiFi strength. This particular frequency is less populated and supports more channels. It does, however, have a shorter range.

Pick a Different Channel

Each frequency has a smaller number of channels within it. These are called channels. The 2.4 GHz frequency has 11 channels on average, while 5 GHz has 45 channels.

If you want to be the only channel on your network, you can use a free wifi scanner to detect the channels other networks are using around you.

This is a difficult question for those using 2.4 GHz because there are only a few options to choose from. Some routers have a feature that automatically selects the ideal channel for you, but you can select one channel manually and stay there indefinitely.

5 GHz is a great frequency for people because there are many channels to choose from. There is a very small chance of bumping into someone else while on this frequency. ..

How to Change Your Frequency & Channel

To connect to your wireless network, open a web browser and type in the IP address of your router. ..

How to find your WiFi access point IP address To find your WiFi access point IP address, open Command Prompt and type IPCONFIG. Your IP address will show under Default Gateway.

To enter your router’s settings, please enter your login details.

You can change the router’s frequency and channel settings.

Some routers have apps that allow you to remotely access your router settings.

Choosing a Channel

There are many different ways to watch television these days. Some people use a Windows PC and use Command Prompt or PowerShell to control their TV settings. ..

This command shows the networks in mode BSSID.

This command will show you all the broadcasting networks, their SSIDs, and what channel they’re using.

In this example, you can select a channel between 1 and 6 to avoid interference from your neighbor.

You can use an app like WiFi Analyzer to help analyze the WiFi signal strength in your area.

Buy a WiFi Repeater

If you have a big house and want to get better WiFi reception, a WiFi repeater can help. Repeaters amplify the weak WiFi signal so it can reach your phone. ..

Update Your WiFi Router Password

If you haven’t updated your router’s password, you should do so right away. strangers could be stealing your WiFi connection, causing your Internet speed to drop.

To update your WiFi network’s name and password, go to your device’s WiFi settings page and look for the section that lets you update your SSID and password. ..

SSID: Your SSID is the name of your wireless network. Make sure to change this if you’re using a different network. Password: Your password is the key to your wireless network. Make sure to change this if you’re using a different network. ..

Connecting Outside Your Home

  1. Try using a VPN service to connect to the internet from your home.
  2. Try using an Ethernet cable to connect your home’s network to the internet.

Update Android and Firmware

Android OS is up to date. Browser app should be updated as well. Google releases updates for Chrome all the time, so it’s worth checking. ..

Android phones come with a variety of firmware options, depending on the model. If you have an Android phone, make sure to check for firmware updates and upgrade if necessary.

Remove Your Phone Case

If you have a case on your Android smartphone, it may be interfering with the signal and causing slower speeds. Try using your device without the case to see if that improves your speed. ..

Use a Signal Booster App

Since Android has a more open ecosystem than iOS, you can download an app to speed up WiFi or 3G/4G/LTE.

If you’re looking for an app with a high rating and a large number of downloads, then you should definitely check out the one with a rating of 4 stars and 100,000+ downloads.

Other Simple Measures

To improve your WiFi signal, try to stay as close to the router as possible. If you’re in a large room, try moving around so that you have more coverage. And if you’re having trouble connecting even when you’re close to the router, consider upgrading your device or using a different network. ..

Stop moving around and you’ll lose your connection and be unable to access the internet. Stay in one spot until you’re done browsing online.

If you’re having trouble connecting to the internet, try moving around any obstructions in your way. Walls, doors, and other physical objects can block WiFi signals. ..