Facebook has released a new feature that makes it easy to block people who are being disruptive on the platform. With just a few taps or clicks, you can send these individuals back under their bridges. ..

How To Block Someone On Facebook Messenger From Your Browser

If you want to stop using Facebook Messenger on your computer, you can easily block someone. ..

To block a conversation in your sidebar, hover your cursor over it and click the three ellipses that appear. A menu will pop up allowing you to Mute, Delete, Mark as Unread, and several other options. At the bottom of this menu is the option to Block messages. Click this.

If you want to stop receiving messages and calls from that person, you can block them. Blocking will prevent the individual from contacting you, but it won’t stop any messages or calls that have already been sent. ..

If you want to unblock someone, you can do so by selecting the chat from the sidebar. At the bottom of the screen is a message saying, “You’ve blocked messages from this person.” Click Unblock now to once more receive messages from them.

How To Block Someone On Facebook Messenger From Your iPhone or iPad

To block someone on the go, open the conversation with them and then tap their name at the top of the screen. ..

This will bring up their profile. You can choose from several options, including viewing any photos and videos sent to you (in case you need to report them.) At the bottom is a menu titled Privacy & Support. Tap Block.

Another screen will appear providing the option to block the person on Messenger or on Facebook altogether. Tap Block on Facebook to stop receiving messages from the person but remain friends.

If you later decide to unblock the person, the option under Privacy & Support will be Unblock. Just tap that, and then select Unblock on Messenger on the next screen to once more send and receive messages from the individual.

How To Block Someone On Facebook Messenger From Your Android

To block someone on Facebook Messenger for Android, open the conversation, scroll down to the bottom of the screen, and tap Block > Block on Messenger.

Blocking On Messenger Versus Blocking On Facebook

If someone you know likes to spam you with Facebook chain letters, it might be best to avoid receiving messages from them. However, you still want to see what they post. Blocking on Facebook Messenger is a great way to circumvent the issue.

If you are dealing with someone that is harassing or threatening you, it is best to block them completely. This will eliminate their access to your Facebook page and will not allow them to send you messages.

Facebook is a social networking site that allows users to communicate with each other. It is important to keep your Facebook settings as restrictive as possible so that you don’t accidentally share too much information with people you aren’t friends with.

If you are being threatened with physical harm or you feel in danger, please contact the proper authorities. Do not assume that blocking the person on social media will make the problem go away. It’s better to be overly cautious. ..