If you’d like to prevent images from being sent from Gmail to the web and your mobile devices, follow these steps:

  1. On the web, go to Gmail’s settings page and under “Settings” click “Advanced.”
  2. Under “Settings for external images,” click on the “Block external images” button.
  3. Under “Web images,” select the images you want to block and click on the “Block” button.
  4. Under “Mobile images,” select the images you want to block and click on the “Block” button. ..

Steps to Block External Images in Gmail for Web

Settings will open in a new window. Under “Accounts,” select “Gmail.” Under “Security,” select “Authentication.” Under “Privacy,” select “Cookies.”

The internet is a great place to get information and connect with friends, but it can also be a dangerous place if not used responsibly. Here are some tips to help you browse the internet safely and responsibly:

  1. Use common sense when browsing the internet. Be aware of what you’re clicking on and what could potentially harm you or someone else.
  2. Be aware of your privacy settings. Make sure to set your browser to keep track of your activity so that you can’t be tracked or monitored by anyone.
  3. Use an VPN if you need to access blocked websites or regions. This will help encrypt your traffic and make it difficult for anyone to track or monitor your online activities.

If you want images to load automatically, select “Always display external images.” ..

If you are using a computer, please close all open programs and browsers before continuing. To continue, click the “Save Changes” button at the bottom of this page. If you are using a mobile device, please tap the “save changes” button at the bottom of this page. ..

Steps to Block Images in Gmail for Mobile

Launch the Gmail app and tap the hamburger icon to the top left corner of the app.

The COVID-19 pandemic is still spreading, and people need to be aware of the different types of COVID-19 phishing scams. Here are some tips to help you avoid getting scammed:

  1. Be suspicious of emails that ask for personal information, such as your name, address, or bank account number. These emails are likely scams designed to steal your money.
  2. Don’t give out personal information online unless you’re sure who you’re talking to and what they want from you. Scammers may use fake websites or social media accounts to look like legitimate sources of information.
  3. If you think you’ve been scammed, report it to your local police department or the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). They can help protect you from scams and help recover any lost money or property. ..

Scroll down until you see Privacy Scroll down until you see Security

To block images on my email account, I would select the email account and tap on Images.

Do we need antivirus in our daily use?

If you want images to be blocked automatically, select “Always display external images.” If you want them to be loaded by default, select “Block external images.”

Every time there is an external image in the email, it won’t download unless you give permission to. A prompt will be displayed before downloading. If you don’t want to download the image, please enable this feature and protect your data.

Google has announced that it is now free to join meetings using its Google Meet service. Here is how to do so: first, sign up for a Google account and create a meeting ID. Then, use the Google Meeting app to find and join a meeting. To export WhatsApp chat history from Android to a PC, follow these steps: first, open the WhatsApp app on your phone and sign in with your meeting ID. Then, click on the three lines in the top left corner of the main screen and select “Export”. On the next screen, enter your desired destination (PC or another device) and click on “Export”.