This feature is available in the Excel ribbon under the “Customize Columns and Rows” tab. To use this feature, you must first create a new worksheet and then select one of the data sources that uses Excel’s default column widths and row heights.

The AutoFit feature in Excel can help you automatically change the size of columns and rows to match the data in a worksheet. This can help you save space on your workbook and make it easier to see the data.

Before You Change Column Widths and Row Heights in Excel

To hide a column or row in Excel, use the following command: Hide Column(s) or Hide Row(s).

Columns can have a maximum width of 255 characters. This number represents the maximum number of characters that can be stored in a column at the standard font size.

Excel’s default font size is 8.43, which means that a column can only hold a maximum of 64 characters. Changing the font, font size, and adding other characteristics to the font such as italics and bolding greatly reduce the maximum number of characters a column can hold. ..

The maximum height of a row in Excel is 409. This number represents the maximum amount of space that a row can hold. The default size of an Excel row is 15, which correlates to 20 pixels or about 1/5th of an inch.

Using Excel’s AutoFit Feature

Suppose you have a worksheet with text that extends beyond the 8.43 (64 pixels) default column width. In order to keep the text within the column, you may want to consider using a column width of at least 10 pixels.

Click on the Cells tab on the Ribbon.

The first option is to change the width of the column to a smaller size. The second option is to change the width of the column to a larger size. The third option is to leave the column at its current width.

Column Width – This option lets you change the width of a column by dragging it to your desired size.

The AutoFit Column Width option will change the size of the column to a new size depending on the length of the contents of the cell in the column that takes up the most space. This option is useful if you have a long column of text and want to make sure that all of your cells in that column are at least as wide as they need to be.

If you want to change the width of all the columns in a worksheet, you can use the Column Widths dialog box.

When you select the Format button on the Column Width menu, Column A’s width is automatically set to contain the text in the A1 cell. ..

To autofit a column, select the column or columns and then double-click on the right-hand boundary of any selected column.

If you want to reset all column widths back to the default width, just select Format – Default Width and type in 8.43. You can also use a keyboard shortcut to autofit columns in Excel.

ALT + H + O + I

This feature allows you to easily place text at the top or bottom of a row, without having to adjust the column widths.

The AutoFit Row Height feature is not as useful as the AutoFit Column Width feature on the Format button.

If you have data that is not automatically adjusted when you paste it into an Excel worksheet, there are ways to fix it. One way is to use the row heights property. This property can be set to a value that adjusts the row heights automatically, or it can be left unset. If you leave the property unset, then the row heights will be determined by the sheet’s default values.

To fix this, select the row with the cut-off text and click on Format > AutoFit Row Height. This will force Excel to change the height of the row to accommodate the unusually tall text. ..

If you want to autofit row heights in a document, you can use the ALT + H + O + A keyboard shortcut. ..

If you want to change the width or height of a column or row in an Excel worksheet, you can do so by using the AutoFit feature. This will automatically resize the column or row to fit the text within it, without having to manually change the width and height values. ..

The AutoFit feature in Microsoft Excel can make data in your worksheet easier to access and read. This is a real time saver, especially if you have a lot of data in your worksheet. ..