The platform makes it easy to create new classes, and the ability to deactivate or delete classes can help free up space in your virtual classroom.

To archive a Google Classroom on desktop and mobile versions of the app:

  1. Open the Google Classroom app.
  2. On the left, click on the “Archive” button.
  3. Enter the name of the class you want to archive and click on “Archive”.
  4. The class will be archived and you can access it later from any device or computer that has the Google Classroom app installed.

What Happens When You Archive or Delete a Google Classroom

When you archive a class, you can no longer use it. When you delete a class, however, you can still use it if you need to.

Archiving a class means that it is inactive and will not appear in your active classes. The class still exists in a separate area of Google Classroom. ..

Archiving a class will preserve your work in the class so that you or your students can view and access them. However, they can’t update the materials or unenroll from the archived class.

If you want to remove or delete a Google Classroom, the only way to do so is by the primary teacher. ..

How To Archive a Google Classroom

Google Classroom offers a way for teachers or co-teachers to archive a class from a computer or mobile device. ..

The archiving feature of the software comes in handy at the end of a term or semester, so you can preserve the learning materials and keep them organized as you move to other courses.

If you haven’t archived any classes, the Archived function won’t appear in the menu. ..


You can access Google Classroom from a web browser on your computer or Mac to archive a class. To use the class, you need to create an account and sign in. After you sign in, you can access the class from any computer or device that has Google Classroom installed.

The Archived Classes option in the menu lets you store and access your course materials from past sessions.

Android and iPhone

You can archive a class via the Google Classroom app on your mobile device. This way, you can keep the class material safe and easy to access when you need it.

Restore an Archived Google Classroom

If you want to view the archived class card again with the active classes, you can restore the class and use all of its materials, posts, assignments, and comments. ..

How To Delete a Google Classroom

If you delete a Google Classroom, any class posts or comments will be deleted. However, you and your students can still access the relevant files by using the link in the Google Drive folder. ..

If you want to delete a class, you first have to archive it. Archiving a class means that the class will be stored in the cloud so that you can access it if you need to in the future. Deleting a class is permanent, so make sure you only do this if you’re sure you won’t need the class again. ..


To delete a Google Classroom from a web browser on your computer (PC or Mac):

  1. Open the Google Chrome browser.
  2. On the left side of the browser, click on the three lines in the top left corner of the screen.
  3. Type “delete” into one of the boxes and click on the " Delete Classroom button ."

Android or iPhone

If you have the Google Classroom app on your Android device or iPhone, you can delete the class you archived by selecting “Delete this class” from the “Classes” tab in the app.

Dear Google Classroom, I hope you’re having a great day! I wanted to let you know that I’ve decided to delete your class. Thank you for all the great lessons we’ve shared together. I hope to see you in the future, but for now, goodbye!

How To Leave a Google Classroom

If you’re a student, you can leave a class to remove it from your account. Your teacher will still have all your assignments, posts, and comments, but you won’t be able to access it anymore.

Keep Your Google Classroom Organized

If you want to archive or delete classes on Google Classroom, it’s easy to do. This will keep your homepage neat and organized. ..

If you’re looking for ways to learn more about virtual learning, we’ve put together some guides on how to teach an online course, the best apps and tools to educate your kids at home, and the best platforms to create your online course.

Did this guide help you? Let us know in the comments. ..