Discord supports markdown, which is a simple symbol-based formatting you apply to messages to add effects like bolding and italicization. ..

Code blocks are a versatile way to add color to your text on Discord. You don’t have to be a coder to use them, and many users aren’t aware that they actually allow users to do this.

Code blocks are a great way to create custom Discord color messages. You can use them to create messages that are specific to a channel, or to send a message in response to another user’s message. Code blocks can also be used to add text or images to your messages.

What Are Code Blocks On Discord?

Discord’s rendering engine supports code blocks, which are a type of markdown. Code blocks can be used to create text documents or to store data.

Some of the most commonly-used tricks for writing in markdown are to surround your text in single asterisks (like this) to italicize text or double asterisks (like this) to bold text.

Discord supports Markdown for these, along with underlines (like this), strikethroughs (like this), spoiler tags (||like this||), quotes (> like this), and single-line code blocks (like this). ..

Discord also supports multi-line code blocks to make it easier for users to share more complex code. This can be useful for when you want to share a longer piece of code that spans across several lines.

This code block will create a large, dark box around your text, format it in a monospaced font, and preserve all indentations.

Multi-line code blocks support syntax highlighting, which makes them more user-friendly and easy to read.

What Is Syntax Highlighting In Code Blocks On Discord?

Syntax highlighting is a feature commonly found in text editors and Notepad alternatives like Notepad++ and Sublime Text. It allows programmers to define the programming language of a document so that important elements of the code will be colorized, for easier reading and understanding. ..

Discord’s code block markup is designed for this purpose, so there are clever ways to take advantage of it to add color to your messages. By using Discord’s code block markup, you can easily add color to your messages without having to worry about coding.

coding: utf-8

coding: utf-8

This is a guide on how to format code blocks in Microsoft Word.

JSON and Python are two popular programming languages. ..

Hey everyone, We’re looking for a new team to join our Discord server! If you’re interested, please let us know and we’ll get started!

There are a few different formatting styles that can bring out different colors in photos. Here are a few examples: • Bold: This style is used when the text is bolded and it affects all lines of text in a photo. • Italic: This style is used when the text is italicized and it affects only the first line of text in a photo. • Underline: This style is used when the text is underlined and it affects only the first line of text in a photo.

Discord Code Block Syntax Highlighting Styles

Discord’s multi-line code block markup supports a variety of syntax highlighting keywords. ..



















Discord is a chat app with a lot of features, including syntax highlighting. In the past, it has added new options to help you better use it. Some of these options may be available in the app’s settings, but others may be available through the use of plugins. If you want to know more about which ones are available, or if you want to add them yourself, here are some tips:

  1. Open Discord and go to its settings.
  2. Scroll down until you find “Syntax Highlighting.”
  3. Change it to “On.” This will enable syntax highlighting for all messages in Discord, not just those that are sent through the app’s messaging system.

Discord’s syntax highlighting is useful and the best solution available right now to create Discord color messages.

There are many ways to format text for easier reading, such as using code blocks. ..