Google has announced that Marc Levoy, a pioneer in computational photography and the most noticeable analyst behind the Pixel’s camera, has left the company. This is a big loss for the company as Levoy is an important figure in the field and his work has helped to define how digital photography is used today.

Levoy is responsible for a number of amazing features in the Pixel, including HDR+, Portrait Mode, Super Resolution Zoom, and Night mode. He’s also responsible for the tech behind Street View in Google maps.

Google Street View is a way of capturing street views of various locations around the world. Levoy was an educator at Stanford, where he dealt with a task that would, in the long run, become Google Street View. Levoy is additionally credited with introducing the term “computational photography,” which is the way towards utilizing calculations, AI, and PC preparing to upgrade traditional photography. Levoy joined Google in 2014 and proceeded onward to be one of the leaders of the Pixel camera group.

With Levoy gone, Will Google Pixel keep up with the Imaging Quality?

There is a lot of speculation about what happened to Levoy, and whether he will be able to continue working on the Google Pixel. Some people are worried that his departure might mean that Google is not as committed to image quality as it once was.

The report alleges that Google’s head of hardware, Rick Osterloh, didn’t agree with some of the choices made about the Pixel 4. These include the dreary usage of its Soli radar sensors and “specifically” the phone’s bad battery life.

In the first two quarters, Google Pixel 4 sales totaled only 2 million. Meanwhile, Apple sold 74 million iPhones in Q4 of 2019. Clearly, Google didn’t anticipate that it would need to make up for lost time to Apple anytime soon - but risks are always a part of trusting an organization. ..

Google Pixel may not have been the part of the breakout achievement that Google needed, but it’s too soon to forget about the organization yet—even with the ongoing loss of valuable employees. With other Google gadgets, similar to the Nest Hub and Google Nest Mini 2, it appears as though the organization isn’t really battling with making its more prominent devices engaging.

We hope that Google will use this situation as an opportunity to come up with better features in the future.

Google has announced that it is discontinuing the Play Music service and launching a new music streaming service, YouTube Music. The new service will be available on both Google Maps and YouTube. The Google Maps interface will be designed to make it easier for users to find and share music with friends.